
Did you notice that there is no chemistry between McCain & Palin? that was so awkward?

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They just were not co-ordinated....balloons how original




  1. Both nights. She seems very uncomfortable around him. I don't know what it is, but she is stand offish and doesn't seem interested in being around him.

  2. I've actually seen her off stage w/ him and it seems more natural. Honestly, she seems the same way around her familly - a bit cold, almost.

    I think her mind is just on looking like a VP, which makes her look a bit distant. She also makes that weird "game face" during her speeches.  I don't hold it agianst her because again, she seems much warmer and at ease off stage.

    Btw, I support Obama - just chiming in..

  3. Palin is just a political hatch.  Nothing more.  Rove pick her on Thursday and McCain didn't look into her back ground.  

  4. There's chemistry in McCain's pants when he's looking down her blouse!

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