
Did you notice the republicans are running scared with only one issue?

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1. Answer every question with lies and deflections.

2. Promise to regulate private lives while they sell the country from under our feet.

3. Ignore any facts that don’t support their views: the price of gas, the deficits, and the number of home foreclosures, as well as, rising poverty and “outsourcing” America.

4. Ignore that a vote for McCain is approval for 8 more years of pulling money out of the middle class.

5. Enjoy listening to puppets read one line of rhetoric once a day, stay the course.

6. Ruthless and hypocritical.

7. Eyes, mind, and feet are focused on death in heaven while America is sold to the highest bidder, Big Oil, China, and Walmart.

8. Use broad undefined words to brainwash people.

9. Only have one issue and that is to regulate a woman's uterus, never mind family privacy, war killing, orphan children, tubal pregnancies, or becoming a surrogate for unwanted. Does life end at birth?

10. Put money, church, sports and entertainment before country.




  1. I'm not sure where you get that from but it made me smile. Republicans aren't running anywhere except to the White House. Make sure you watch Sarah Palin's speech tonight, then come on back and tell me who's scared.

  2. We are not running scared of the dems feeble attempts at mud slinging.  But we DID run scared when an adulturer and impeached president ran amok in the white house for 8 years getting BJ's in the oval office and staining blue dresses.  

  3. no

  4. FAMILY VALUES.   All they are doing is putting down the great liberals.  They don't have anything else!  They can't say what they really want - 1000 years more in iraq.

  5. No

    2 points

  6. LOL, don't you mean Democrats are running scared....

    Thanks for the two points

    McCain/Palin 08

  7. The only people I see scared are the liberal media.

    Don't you watch tv?

  8. No, I hadn't noticed. Can you enlighten us?

  9. Yes - liberals are trying to abort the entire country...terrifying

  10. It's all they got Scare America/bash Obama it's their only hope.

  11. Republicans will fight till they win in November.

  12. what issue?

  13. The Issue that republicans are running with happens to be the biggest issue of our day, and republicans are on the right side of it.

    Drill here, drill now, pay less.

    I know all you dems enjoy emptying your wallet every time you fill up, but Most of america does not.  And the democrats will loose if they cant get on the right side of that issue.

  14. no, but thanks for the points

  15. Our issue is national security

    Without that all other issues are meaningless

  16. What issue are you talking about? They have many. The only 1 issue I have heard is Dems bringing up over and over again is Sarah Palin.

  17. funny how the word "REPUBLICAN" was almost never mentioned at the RNC convention!

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