
Did you notice when you're at a red stop light that if someone ahead pulls up, you pull up to?

by  |  earlier

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If you're sitting there waiting for it to turn green and they move up a couple inches, do you notice that you do to? I can't drive but when my mom does, I notice that! Do you?




  1. It's silly to follow a donkey. They follow carrots. With luck, the front car will go over the stop mark, while a nasty policeman watches.

  2. No, I don't do that unless they have move so far ahead that another car could sneak in front of me.

  3. yes I always do this, why I don't know!

  4. I don't pull up. Every car should have pulled up to their final spot in the first place. Only if the space enlarges to a large enough space to fit another car will I then move up.

  5. yeah, i see a lot of weirdoes that do this. whats even more annoying to see are the dumbasses that keep pumping on the brake pedal, inching forward inch by inch NON-STOP...ARGH!! im smart driver by keeping my distance from the car in front of me. that way, i wont have to pay for the damages done to the bumper of the car in front of me if someone hits me from behind. lol...not.

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