
Did you noticed CNN always projecting the good image of Sen. McCain and destroying Hillary's background?

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Seems to me they are part of this conspiracy.They love to see Bush administration going to war maybe they are gaining on this process.That's why I shift to Al Jazeera And Fox News which is is Fair and Balanced.




  1. No.

    I have a life so i dont follow/notice things like that

  2. No, I haven't noticed that.  I think McCain is talked about differently than Hillary.

    With McCain the issues are his age (oldest candidate to run) and his health (his Cancer, which the Republicans claim was all gotten  removed during surgery.--but Dr. Samje Gupta and other physicians have question the appearance of McCain's surgical scars.  They don't fit the picture of an 'easily conquered Cancer.'

    He also isn't campaigning against another candidate at the moment, so all seems quiet.

    Hillary, however, has been up front and center with Obama--it's easy to catch her quoting something off-target and thus 'ear-catching' because she has to talk non-stop at the moment.  She's also got 8 years of history with Bill behind her to dig into for information.

    But there's unquestionably been favoritism towards Obama--apparently because he's more appealing to audiences, plain and simple (gotta sell that beer during commercials).

  3. CNN has never met a Republican or in McCain's case RINO (Republican in name only) that it liked.

    Don't you know, maybe you are not old enough, when most everybody called CNN the Clinton News Network? CNN loves the Clintons, more then the Clintons love themselves.

  4. CNN is pro democrat...

    I don't know WHAT you're watching.

    Conspiracy?  Oh boy... another one!

  5. Actually CNN is so liberal it makes me barf but hey if you like ALjazera and fox thats is the two opposites

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