
Did you or do you like high school??

by Guest61010  |  earlier

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Did you or do you like high school??




  1. Yes I do.

  2. kind of sucks, but i dont care

  3. i like the social side, but hate how much pressure you are under to succeed

  4. i absolutely love my school. i love my teachers. i love my classmates. we recently consolidated school districts with a neighboring town and it has been a rocky road and a huge learning experience but i couldn't be happier right now. i met a lot of people and made friends with a lot of people that i judged because they went to a rival school. my only wish is that it would have happened sooner because now i only have 3 years left with all these amazing people that i never really took the time to get to know in the past

  5. I love highschool I guess. I mean you get the most freedom. Its kind of sad though because you dont really see any of your friends from high school ever again inless you go to the same college, because everyone goes off to different places.

  6. i love high school because of my friends and teachers so i cant  wait for this year

  7. yes. it's more enjoy than the college life. If i could just stay or go back, maybe i'll do go back! But i can't judge that much for i am just a freshman student... But it's really incomparable. The sweetest and happiest memories are in my high school, so far.  

  8. of coz, luv all my years except the last was like h**l in my senior yr...

  9. Yeah I liked it, I learned a lot of life lessons and a lot about myself in high school. Of course I met a lot of cool people too. It was one of the best times of my life. Although I wouldn't say i'd redo it, I do miss some of the people that I met. I stayed out of trouble for the most part, and I did my own thing instead of trying to be a follower, so I had a great experience.  

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