
Did you po* yourself during labour?

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sorry to be so gross but "I'm just wondering how common this is??




  1. i didnt and i ate several hours before i gave birth, i had natural birth, and an epidural..

  2. I don't know I didn't ask.  I do know that they have a bag between your legs incase you do and also for other waiste.  I asked my husband and he said he didn't know either because he was not paying attention to my butt for a change but what was coming out a little higher than that.  I was induced with both of my children so I didn't get the chance to go a head of time but I do know that I had to go after I gave birth.

  3. My sister did with her first child. :P

  4. I was blessed with diarrhea before both of my labors so luckily I had nothing left in me to p**p out!  It is very common though and really nothing to be embarrassed about.  

  5. ow no I'm worried about this to lol but i guess with all the pain we wont be thinking about it huh ? I'm sick of my husband making fun of me that it gonna happen though lol so i remind him he leaves the bathroom door open everyday he'll only see me do it once  

  6. Most woman do but when i pushed i had a breech baby so it was wide and the baby pushed on my r****m so i did

  7. yep it's very common i know i did i was brought a bed pan though but with all the pain you don't care or even have the strength to worry about what everybody else thinks they(doctors) have so many women every single day giving birth that they see that as normal no big deal.I gave birth to a beautiful daughter 23 yrs ago but this question brought a smile to my face .thanks.

  8. Sure did baby A came out with a p**p and baby B came out with a p**p lol those doctors and nurses are so used to seeing it that they don't even change facial expression don't worry you will be fine you don't even realize you have done it my husband told me that I did when i was pushing out our twins I laughed I thought it was funny LOL

  9. oh... p**p. yes when I was pushing out my first daughter I did. the nurse wiped it away and I continued pushing. with my second daughter I don't think so because she came out so quick I didn't even have time to really push very hard. with this baby who knows. it's nothing to be grossed out or embarrassed about. the doctors and nurses have seen it so many times it doesn't phase them a bit. if they don't get grossed out with the whole rest of the messy birth then p**p isn't going to do anything. I told my husband after wards that I pooped when I was pushing and he was like really? I didn't see it.  

  10. Sad to say with my first child I was poo-ing from the onset of labor til he got here.

    Second child all through labor til before he was born.

  11. yep. sorry, it's not uncommon.

  12. ohhhh luckily not.....i know woman cant help it and its totally normal but it would still be imbarrasing! my friend apparently poo'd on the bed when she was pushing but the midwife cleaned it up instantly and noone really noticed...i still dont want to poo on the bed 20 weeks pregnant and my partner said to me yesterday "just a poo at the start of labor so you dont cr@p on the bed" are so helpful like that!

  13. I didn't, but I know its really common. I hadn't eaten anything for like 24 hours before the birth both times (for some reason my morning sickness comes back right before I go into labor), and had natural births so had pretty good control of what I was pushing.  But if it happens it happens, no big deal.

  14. I pooped when I was in labour, on the toilet, well before the pushing stage. I felt like I should do it then rather than possibly having an accident.  

  15. I didnt but I hear it is very common

  16. Yep I did and I knew I was when I was doing it. I was so embarrassed my face was totally red. So I'm not going to lie to you and say awe you will be so caught up in the labor you wont notice. Because you probably will haha. But it is nothing to be embarrassed about it happens to so many people.  

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