
Did you realise that there were so many categories now, to describe men?

by  |  earlier

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Apparently, we are facing the re-birth of the retrosexual. What do you all think?

I love some of these terms. Lol.

MOTD - Match of the Day Interruptus. The opening theme tune has put many a bloke off doing the business.

Retrosexuals always have power tools.

They always pay for the date. :) :)

They must have a wound with an accompanying story which lasts at least 5 minutes.

They always stand in the pub. Seats are for couples and Guardian readers. (Brilliant).




  1. This is the guy from the Kama Sutra book

  2. Oh who bloody cares?

    Why can't people be allowed to be themselves without some knobhead putting them into a category and telling them what they can and can't do?

  3. Being an Independent and Guardian reader I am disgusted at your mocking of me. Get back to your NOTW FFS.

  4. BRAVO !!

    I'm glad to see there are some real men left over there in the UK.

    They are a dying breed here in the USA.

  5. God i loathe the sun. If that's what "real men" read, god help us all.  

  6. there still are not nearly enough of them.

  7. In my day the blokes could all at least afford and use a packet of razor blades.

    These two look as if they can do neither!!!!  lol

  8. In truth there should be as many categories to descibe men as there are men. Unless you read The Sun when all truths are reduced to monosyllabic words in sentences no longer than three words.

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