
Did you realize that republicans are telling America that we have already won in Iraq?

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Winning what?




  1. If we won, lets come home! It seems like if we win, we have to stay, and if people are still getting killed, we have to stay.

  2. your ignorance does not justify a response.

  3. Two words for you: Mission Accomplished.

  4. Dear sweet Moses. Is this a serious question?

  5. In order for America to have won in Iraq, we must win the heart of the Iraq people.  But as it goes... there's no victory in war.  We've lost many lives there and the Iraqis people.  What good is a victory to Iraq?  What good is a failure?  They will continue to suffer from what we did to them.  No one won.. if you looked at the number of soliders and civilians that have died.  How can Americans believe they are heroes while many lives are dead?  How can America believe they have won?  Ashame on republicans thinking we have won a war... we have no won anything but won the title of being called an idiot..

  6. We are winning in Iraq because Al Anbar was transferred to Iraqi control this week signifying a significant increase in security and the Iraqi ability to control and provide for the rule of law in the region. I think that signifies success and is a testiment to the hard work of the Marines who transformed that province from a disaster it was 2 years ago. If you are concerned about Iraq, you would have known that already.  

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