
Did you ride the Dark Knight Coaster yet?

by Guest21488  |  earlier

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I f yes then was it fun




  1. It sucked. Little kid ride, indoors.

  2. its not fun at all! Its a wild mouse type of roller coaster. Believe me if this thing wasnt in the dark it would get laughed right out of the park. Its not worth the wait that it still has at most amusement parks.

    A Wild Mouse roller coaster (or Wildemous, Mad Mouse or Rat Run) is a type of roller coaster characterized by small cars that seat four people or fewer and ride on top of the track, taking tight, flat turns at modest speeds, yet producing high lateral G-forces

  3. Lets put it this way, Skull Mountain, and Blackbeard's Lost Treasure Train (Here at SF Great Adventure) are more intense than The Dark Knight.

    Kind of sad, really. A 7 Million (or was it Billion) dollar waste. They should have kept Batman and Robin: The Chiller.

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