
Did you run out and buy the book Big Green Purse?

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after my previous question. If you did: What was the most important piece of information you took away from the book?




  1. I borrowed, and returned, my friend's copy.(being conservative), (or cheap)....... What I got from the book was the impact, of empowering women to use their marketplace clout to protect the environment....we had power and resources all along!

    I am, and always have been an organic gardener, but I was most surprised at how, many small changes, can impact the greater, whole environment, it really does start with each and every one of us....thank you..

  2. I didn't run out an buy it for a couple of reasons.  It takes energy to make a book and then have it on the shelves to be sold.  So, I requested that my local library purchase this book and they said they most likely will because I showed them tha there was a demand in our area for green literature.  When they get this new book in, I will borrow it from the library and when I am done, return it so that others may read it.  By sharing the book, more than one person can learn to be environmentally friendly, and we are saving energy used to produce a book, and trees that are cut down to make the pages.

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