
Did you see article 10 fastest-dying cities? Two in MI and 4 in OH on list. Agree with list? What can be done?

by Guest58706  |  earlier

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I live in Michigan, fortunately not in Flint or Detroit which made the list. I am concerned about the state's future, and I am sure people in Ohio are concerned. No other state had more than one on the list. I think we have to put much more energy into education to build a workforce for a high tech, knowledge-based economy. Miswestern states can no longer expect uneducated workers to get high wage jobs working in factories. Older factory workers may be able to last until retirement. Younger ones need to be getting a college degree part time while working.




  1. It is NOT a coincidence that the list of fastest dying cities have the cities with some of the highest union memberships.  While unions have done some great things they have also been way too greedy!  One of the problems with Ohio is that it is not a right to work state.  Until that changes this trend will continue!!

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