
Did you see fox news "pundit" steve doocy when he said "Alaska is right next door to Russia" on Friday?

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Does that contard even know what a MAP is?




  1. He was simply trying to find someway to give Palin some type of foreign relations experience.  It was a sad and pathetic attempt!  Almost as sad as Palin having her daughter hold Bristol to try and hide the fact that she was pregnant.  It wasn't until the news came out that she admitted the story.  Just like the same tactics the Bush administration uses.

  2. if it gets real cold, the striaght will freeze, giving you the ability to walk to russia from the US.

  3. Are you an idiot or what? Alaska is less than 100 miles from Siberia, part of the RUSSIAN Federation. YOU look at a map halfwit!

  4. As much as this pains me to admit ... he was right ... Russia is right next door ... Alaska used to be part of Russia ...

  5. Alaska almost touches Siberia.  When I was in Alaska I used to swim the Bering straights over to Siberia for a glass of vodka.

  6. I can't fault him for that, Russia and Alaska are only separated by the Barring Straights (possible misspelling)

    Obama all the way.




  7. He's right.  Russia and Alaska are only a couple of miles apart at the Bering Straight.

  8. Looks like you know what a map IS, you just don't know how to read one.

  9. Alaska IS right next door to russia you moron. It even used to ber PART of Russia.

  10. Here's a little tidbit for you, Russia is just over a 100 miles from Alaska. Alaska was purchased to keep Russia from walking across the Bering Strait, through Canada, and right into the United States.

    So, Libtard, have you found your map yet? That was middle school history class, and freshman geography. Go back to watching G-4, let the adults talk.

  11. Russia is right next door to Alaska. Do you know what a MAP is?

  12. Doocy is doofy.

    I'm sure I'm not the first (or last) one to say that.

    Edit: I've seen the tape and Doocy was clearly implying by giving us that unfortunate factoid that Palin somehow has significant foreign policy experience.

    If that is the minimum case for FOX these days, then I myself have even more foreign policy experience than Palin does because I grew up in Cincinnati which is in Ohio which is across Lake Erie from Canada and I drive a Japanese car and I once ate at Taco Bell.

    Thus, under Doocy's razor-keen FOX-style analysis, I have Canada, Japan, and Mexico fully covered just like Palin has Russia.

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