
Did you see or hear about this new brain stimulation discovery?

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I just heard this on tv news program. They stimulated a man's brain in a certain area and all these memories of childhood came back to him. !! They use this same operation, they said. to help alzheimers patients to help people from trembling. What do you think about it? Wouldn't it be nice to have those memories again? (like the memories we talked about in another question..before the age of 5) The only problem...we'd have to have a brain operation. But still, it's nice to know those memories are still there!




  1. Link please!

    That sounds very interesting.  I am curious about the procedure.  It doesn't seem like they could just unblock a neural pathway and all the memories come flooding back.  It seems like they would need to change the way the brain actually operates.  I love that kind of stuff.  I'll see if I can find anything on it.

  2. It is very exciting. You wonder what else they will be able to find out?

  3. I hadn't heard about the discovery, but I think it might have been around a while, or something similar I read about 15-20 years ago.

    The implications are worth pondering.

    In my younger life I had something akin to total recall, but it began to recede around the age of 30-35 and gradually seemed to stabilize where it is now.  I consider the fact I don't have to keep all that with easy access to be a blessing.

  4. I must have seen the same news program you did. It was very very interesting.

    It was discovered by a medical team at a Toronto hospital. While trying to treat an obese man through deep brain stimulation, they stumbled acress a way to retrieve lost memories.

    Apparently the man rememberd in vivid detail taking a walk with a girlfriend many many years before - but it was like he was a bystander watching the event unfold in front of him.

    This exciting breakthrough could have a huge impact for people suffering from Alzheimer's and other similar illnesses.

    Here is a link regarding the story:

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