
Did you see our next President (Obama) Hit that Basketball shot in front of the troops?

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I bet it raised their morale! What do you think? Positive or Negative?




  1. I want to see mc cain do that.

  2. Whoever is next president will have to work really hard to recover the USA's credibility in the wider world . Mr Bush has been a duster at home and abroad

  3. I'd be more concerned with his record in the senate and how or when he votes on issues. (which hasnt been more than 150 days of a "career".)  

    The morale of the troops would be more raised if he had confidence in THEM. Which Obama and other Liberal-Socialist-Democrats DO NOT!

  4. looks like he would be a better basketball player than a president.

  5. So the flim flam man can shoot a b/ball! that's great credentials for a president!!

  6. Its all show kid. For your information the troops dont like the idea of pulling out over their.  You left wingers need to turn the tv off and start getting some real truth information on whats going on in the world.  For every one of our soldiers killed we have put a hundred of terrorists in the dirt!  Heres a question for you.  Have you forgot about 911 ? Nobody cares about a stupid basketball shot that Obama made.  The guy is a white hating,  drug using,  affirmative action recieving,  arrogant,  socialistic,  communist!  And if you knew what was actually in the constitution you might agree.  But then again all you care about is whether the guy can shoot hoops.  You sir are a dope!

  7. Oh, you bet. It PROVES that the guy MUST be presidential material if he can make a hoop. Everyone knows that this IS the proof that the US was waiting for.

    Wait if that is the case, we need to look at the NBA and the NFL for our leaders.

    Instead of wasting time in summit meetings and cabinet meetings Our leader would be Pumpin Iron and Doing drills.

    Since the Bball event has you all pumped up, I guess I should explain that the above was sarcasm.

  8. Maybe this means we'll win the gold in basketball this year.

  9. Why do black people only vote for black people based on that alone.  Best example was the dc mayor.

  10. Did you see yourself being overly confident in Obama?

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