
Did you see "The Murder of Diana" on TV?

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Why is no one talking, any more, about the white Fiatt that was in that tunnel? Maybe could have bumped into the car Diana was in.

I do remember hearing about that, right after the accident, then they didn't talk about it any more.

Why is no one talking about this "bright light" that a couple people reported seeing? Did someone shine the light into the driver's eyes?

Suspicious, isn't it?




  1. Are they never going to let this go, I was fed up with her before she died and god forgive me but I'm still fed up and she isn't even here now. She is dead let her go. Most of the bleeding hearts on here never met her and even if she was alive never would have got past security to speak to her. What's dead is dead, move on. Violation notice to the usual address please.

  2. its been ten years,move on and let her rest in peace

  3. No, I am fed up with all the hype over the last 10 years so I don't need to watch it on TV too.

    How many more people are going to ask either this very question or a similar one?

    It was an accident. She voluntarily got into a car that was to be driven at speed, through unfamiliar street, by a driver under the influence of something. If anyone is to blame it is Diana. She could easily have stayed in the restaurant until a sober driver arrived.

  4. Do you believe everything you watch on television?

  5. I have been to Paris, and I have seen the tunnel.

    I have also seen the maniac French driving through it.

    I am surprised that more are not killed in it!

    There is nothing suspicious about c**p driving!

  6. I agree that there is a conspiracy and cover-up of something... but we may never know.  I know the Royals we probably not happy that Diana may have married Dodi and then have the future King raised by an Egyptian

  7. Do more good works and watch less television

  8. I have seen it and read so many other reports, she has been murdered

  9. Diana's driver was drunk/medicated and crashed. End of story. Do you really think there is any hiding your Fiat if you just killed the most famous woman in the world and her boyfriend? No, there isn't. Now let's put all these ridiculous conspiracy theories to bed and let her concentrate on being dead.

    She is not the first person to die at the hands of a drunk driver, and she is not the last. She was made of the same stuff as the rest of us and had an equal chance of meeting a nasty accidental ending as the rest of us.

  10. I saw rhe program, but I am not sure, I am a big fan of  Diana and think that it was disgraceful the way 'The Firm' ignored it until the country and the media re-acted, and I think Charles should 'fade away with his paramore and let Wiiliam take over, he is, let's face it more in touch with the real world.

  11. There's nothing suspicious about the white fiat, I just happened to be driving it through the tunnel at the same time of the accident, pure coincidence, you get me?

  12. Yeah I saw that movie.

    It is suspicious.

  13. No!

  14. no one will ever find out what really happened that night. there is more hidden stuff about what really happened that night but the only people that really know what happened is the MI5 or CIA my friends dad works for the CIA and he knows what really happened that night but he is not allowed to tell anybody not even his family know what it is, what these people know will die with them and the truth will never come out.  There is a lot of top secret stuff about it but we are not allowed to know and we will never know

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