
Did you see the 2nd plane hit the south tower of the WTC on 9-11? What did you hink?

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If you saw the 2nd plane hit the south tower of the WTC live, wether in the spot or on the TV, please tell me how you felt on that moment and what did you think?

I only knew of the attack several hours later, and all the events of the day had already finished at the time...




  1. Yes I did. I was shocked like everyone else.

    Thanks for reminding me to be angry. Disinformation agents often ask questions like this as a brainwashing technique. The media uses that trick - keeping the people perpetually afraid of terrorists by bringing the saved images to the forefront of their memories.

    The sad thing is that it works. Keeping people afraid makes people go along with illegal war and stand by idly while the criminals in the government dismantle the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. They do that even though we have not been attacked on home soil since 2001. Figure it out.

    I hope that is not why you ask.


    Here, if you want to see it again watch something that may actually be helpful, and get angry!

    Conglomeration of news clips of the events of the day

    911 Mysteries Part 1 - Demolitions

    911 Blueprint for Truth, the Architecture of Destruction

  2. i saw the 2nd plane crash on tv,while i was living in portugal.i was at my friends house putting up posters on her  wall (long time ago lol) and my friend turned the tv on.they were talking about a bomb on one of the towers,we were sitting there watching and i remember seeing this plane approaching.we were just a bit confused to what was happening to the plane to be so close,we watch it go behind the 2nd tower and seconds after instead of the plane continue its way there was a major explosion on the tower.everyone tough that the plane lost control or something and after that everyone knows the story.we sat there and the cameras were filming everything, we saw people trowing themselves from the towers and i remember the guy with the camera saying it was fragments of the plane and then paused and started to shout it was people and not fragments...

    it was very frightening and i still get goosebumps every time i remember those images.something very sad to tell to grandchildren one day.

  3. My roommate turned on the TV in the morning and the news was talking about a plane hitting the WTC in New York. I honestly thought they just meant some drunk guy in a Cessna hit it by accident, so I wasn't paying too much attention. Then I saw the second plane hit out of the corner of my eye. I don't think I understood how serious it was for several minutes after that. I do remember the towers falling, and it felt like I was watching it in slow motion. I remember thinking how disturbing it was that I could be sitting peacefully in my dorm room watching thousands of people dying on TV at the same time. It's a weird disconnect. And then later that day I went to my physics class, and the professor just said "we never thought it would happen like this. We always thought it would be the Bomb."

  4. Nope did not see it I was at work, But we watch the replays at work on a small TV  

  5. I did, I was having breakfast in the kitchen while watching the news and at that very moment I screamed "that's a terrorist act!!!!!". I stayed glued to the TV the whole day.  The next day we learned that one of our best friends was in that second plane.

  6. I thought I was watching a movie.

  7. Actually, my mother pulled me out of bed and told me what had happened. When I saw it rerun, I just thought, "Oh, s^^t!!!"

    How did I feel?

    As I watched the plane slam into the WTC, I felt a tremendous amount of hatred towards the people who did that. I wanted REVENGE!!!

  8. I saw what was at least alleged to be LIVE broadcast of the event in real time, however, I remember thinking at the time that it looked just like BAD HollyWierd "special effects"

    There is something about this whole scene that the Bush administration is hidding!

  9. us west coast, i was just finishing breakfast.  guy burst in the door of the cafe and announced the first plane.  i practically ran the two blocks home and watched everything else live.

    as the second plane sailed into the wtc, i realized we were at war.

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