
Did you see the Egyptian ER on Art Channel ?what do you think of it ?

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this ER has great Egyptian names , Yusra , Amr Waked , Bushra , etc

why do we BORROW like this ?

dont we have new ideas to present ?

im disgusted !




  1. It's a copy cat.. I hate it btw and hate every series or movie that copies a foreign movie or a series. Aren't they good enough to write a good script or what?!!

    We have great writers, how come they copy things like this?!!

    If they really wanted to make an Arabic version to it, okay but fix our hospitals first because what happens in ER is not like what happens in our ER at all!

  2. oh well

    its moment of truth i am sure it means a lot

    as long as we have our ideas and goals as well as the ethics and morals from actors i would blame the actors for not having two ships going following the other two ships crossing borders and in this case i m sure that the distance is much less than it was for the other two ships

    i ve watched that film of an actor who went to gaza and have some motivation as well as the ramadan series of"nuqtat natham" or adel imam in safarah fi el3imarah with his friendship to that palestinian little boy

    but all that was not an act it was react

    it is the same as politicians they just reacting

  3. I saw some episodes on Abudhabi in June, i think it's ok for starters but there has to be enhancements in the operation scenes...

  4. i have no idea: do mean a new series? give more info


    i heard this title before. but still have no idea about the series itself.


    kesebna salat el nabi (i know :O)


    yes yes i watched one epsidoe few months ago. and i didnt like it at all.. all the drama in this medical context is fabricated and exagrated... docotrs are so much cool than that :O)

    and i find it somekind of cultural crisis, when we imitate such series that are out of our social cultural identity. i m not talking about manners or religion. i mean that we are not culturally releveant to this kind of drama. the cultural background doesnt support concret ground for the perception of such works.

    although the actors are egyptians, when you watch it you just feel like a stranger.

    it is just some kind of being obsessed about the west. and trying to convince ourselves we are western too.

  5. You mean is it Dubbed, if it is then, Bloody h**l no!!!, not another dubbed show!

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