
Did you see the Torres-Holt II fight tonight?

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After several replays, I noticed that Holt led with his head in order to set up the right hand that ended the contest. It stunned Torres big time. It wasn't even a punch, but an illegal head lead! How come that the retards at ShoBox (namely Steve "Jimmy Bryght Made Me Who I am Today" Farhood) couldn't see what I saw? What a cheap ending! Holt deserved to lose.




  1. The commentators did mention it during the telecast way before this question was posted.  But, if you want to get into fouls, then they are even becuase Torres hit Holt while referee Jay Nady was giving a count- that could have ended the fight right there and Holt would have won by DQ; kind of like last week when Joe Cortez made that idiot move to DQ Soto because he tapped Lorenzo's head while he was down.  And plus, its not like Holt intentionally butted Torres- it was accidental and there is nothing that he could have done about it, and the right hand that Holt caught him with did the majority of the damage.  The headbutt may have set him up for it, but that punch is what really knocked him out cold. If the headbutt had knocked him out cold, then he should have had time to recover, or if the headbutt was intentional, but it wasn't and Holt got a deserved victory.  Headbutts are a part of the territory of being a boxer and in this case, it was simply unavoidable, and like I said before- Holt's right hand is what knocked Torres out senseless, not the headbutt (even if that is what set him up).  And this was nothing compared to the first fight when Holt was hit with a can of beer and the referee stopped the fight too early- THAT fight was controversial, this one was not.

  2. Equally infrequent on people's lips is the illegal foul that Torres used to get that second knockdown. And yes, the commentators did, in fact, acknowledge the headbutt at the closing minutes of the event if you cared to listen to all of the post-fight commentary(they had to watch replays too, the same way you had to before you caught it ), but they, like me, found it hard to make a case that the headbutt is what knocked Torres out, as he was really reckless and wide open for big shots and only seemed a little dazed after the headbutt, and probably would have gotten knocked out with or without the headbutt. I agree that their should be an immediate rematch because this fight is just as controversial, if not moreso, than the first fight.

  3. That was the craziest minute or so of boxing i have seen in years, ive watched the replays a few times myself and it looks like the punch he took and the headbutt dazed him and put him on the ropes but the right hand Holt landed whilst he was on the ropes was the reason for Torres being knocked out cold. I would say Holt was resorting to anything he could as it didnt look like he was lasting till the end of the round himself if he didnt. I woluldnt mind seeing a rematch in a few months, i would say Torres deserves another shot.

  4. Yea it took them awhile to notice the headbutt, until they acknowledged it at the very end.. Great 61 seconds.. I thought Torrest had it. People say the headbutt didn't do much but it was right on the chin, that's what buzzed him first. It was unintentional though, they were just throwing crazy shots and a clash of heads seemed easy to happen specially with Holts way of fighting with his head forward kinda like Forrest. Would of liked the ref to see the headbutt and break them but it all happened too fast for him to do anything. Can't take anything away from that right though.

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