
Did you see the news on the Jean Benoit case? Do you have any doubts about the DNA exoneration of the family?

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Did you see the news on the Jean Benoit case? Do you have any doubts about the DNA exoneration of the family?




  1. No

  2. We dont know the whole story and probably never will. But if they simply found a DNA sample on the childs clothing from a male stranger - even if it was from a s***n sample that could have actually came from anywhere. Think about it. I know its probably rare but when you think of it alot of people held the material those clothes were made out of before the child wore them. The people in the factory that made them, the people in the stores that sold them. Any of those people could have had a cut and left a small blood stain on the clothes, which would have left a DNA sample from a "stranger" there.

    Or even this: I know this is even further far fetched but once again someone who handled those clothes before the Ramseys purchased them might have had some strange fetish for little girls and masturbated on the clothes in the stockroom of the store before they purchased them-leaving the s***n of a stranger behind. Once again i know im just speculating, but im just trying to show that a strangers DNA can come from many other places. The DNA they uncovered might not be that of the killer.

  3. It's JonBenet; and there are no doubts in my mind on the results....It took way too long and the family has suffered such a heart has always gone out to them.....

  4. Is that some relative of the late wrestler Chris Benoit?


  5. I have doubts about the science of DNA because - as in the case of many scientific breakthroughs - it might very well be proven to be wrong or inaccurate sometime in the future.

    However, since it is the 'accepted' scientific process by which contemporary society determines guilt or innocence, I believe it's only fair that we assume that the law is correct and JonBenet's family members are cleared of any involvement in the case.

    Many convicted criminals have been proven innocent as a result of this new DNA testing, and we should accept such findings as accurate until - perhaps decades or generations in the future - some new science is discovered that discredits DNA testing.  

    As for the present, I think all the 'media darlings' who accused the Ramsey family and profited from their hype and sensationalizing of this tragic case should be obliged to publish public apologies for their media reports, books, analyses, television commentaries and 'expert' findings.

    Perhaps they should be sued and forced to return all the money they made from their irresponsible meddling - and perhaps that money should go into a fund to be used in trying to find the 'real killer'.  -RKO-  07/10/08

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