
Did you see the news with the shot Gorillas and orphaned babies?

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Now there's a dolphin that has just gone extinct . How can people care so little about this wonderful planet we live on? Why don't they care about all the next generations that would like to enjoy it.?




  1. To say, "No one is blameless" because I leave a light on or use a bit too much water doesn't jive with people shooting gorillas or overharvesting marine species.  I try to incorporate practices into my life such as being a vegetarian, because of how I feel about animals as food and because the environmental impacts are less.  For meat eaters, there are ranch's that utilize humane practices and give the creatures some measure of respect during their brief lives on the planet.  Do I live without blame.  No.  But I strive for it nonetheless.

    So I don't know what to tell you.  I think millions do care.  I think a lot of people never will.  It's the group of people in between that we need to reach as there are so many who could and would change their lifestyles to some extent if they were better informed and involved in the natural world around them.

  2. agree that we are all accountable.  but we don't all go out and assassinate mountain gorillas in national parks either.

    this is an example of how little man taken as a whole respects his neighbors on this planet.  innocent lives taken to make a political statement, i guess that's nothing new, but to strike a blow against members of an endangered species to make a point reduces life to a mere bargaining chip.

    people living for profit and convenience today care little about the quality of life tomorrow.

  3. Sometimes I wonder if there are somethings that should go extinct.  Most things don't get money for fixing until they are broke unfortunately.

  4. It's easy to just say "they" or "people" when trying to pass out blame, but the truth is we all contribute to the extinction of rare species and the destruction  of eco-systems, All of have left lights on, or driven the car when we could have walked but all these small actions result in larger consequences. No one is blameless

  5. seen the state of Borneo's rain Forrest's that they are cutting down by the shed load each day just for palm oil plantations killing orangs orphaning orang babies and palm oil is a source for bio fuel in new cars how can that be good for the enviorment

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