
Did you see the prayer to Father God at the Republican Convention yesterday?

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I walked in on it. A black guy praying to our Father for our nation & then closing it in the name of the one who gave His life for us, Jesus Christ (Something like that).

What did you think of it?

I was melted. I prayed for a President who wasn't ashamed of the Name Jesus Christ. And at President Bush's inauguration, Franklin Graham blessed our Nation in Jesus Name & also I missed a black guy pray the same.

This time, this man prayed such a powerful prayer. He wasn't ashamed of the Name of Jesus Christ.

Did you watch it, and is there some way we can get a copy?

What did you think of this?




  1. I did not see it/hear it, but I am not surprised that a CHRISTIAN will invoke his god's name during a prayer.

    As a Jew, I may not join in any prayer that adds other names and entities onto the identity of my G-d (hoping you realize the name of Jesus is adding a name/entity).  It's a matter of respect.

    Of course, in America, we are supposed to show good manners and peaceably allow those of other faiths to express themselves spiritually if we want the same consideration in return. That, too, is a matter of respect.

    However, I wonder if you are implying that this man's prayer at the national convention is some sort of less-than-official endorsement of christianity as the religion of the Republican party.  I hope not.

  2. I get very nervous of the idea of Fundamentalists of any religion running a country.

    Ever heard of Saudi Arabia? Heavy religious influence in government - even a religious secret police force- it's not a very nice place. Do you want to live in a country where you could be put in prison because you don't follow the state religion?

  3. I don't have TV. But I am glad they prayed in Jesus name..  

  4. So what was wrong with the multiple prayers at the bigger convention last week?

    Lemme didn't watch it?  

    What's the substantive prayer difference between the two conventions?  What was lacking in the first?  Better in the second?  Evidence or quotes for your opinion?

  5. I agree. It is time that we as christians stand up and not be ashamed of the name of Jesus. It is the most wonderful name, the name above all others. God bless you and keep you.

  6. Lovely!  What the world needs, more voodoo in politics.  Next stop, The Dark Ages Part Deux

  7. I didn't watch it, but I'm sure a copy is available through the RNC website........I respect a person who is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

    I heard a sermon Sunday....the pastor said that nonbelievers were doing exactly what they are expected to in the darkness.

    Christians need to show the light of Jesus Christ.

  8. Just as ludicrous as a politician who believes Elvis still exists. All such nonsense has no place in government.

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