
Did you see the story about the woman that sat on her toilet for 2 years?

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Talk about being constipated.




  1. they had to cut her legs off at the hospital . OUCH


  2. Read it but cannot believe that her so called boyfriend just let her sit there without doing anything for two years.  Who fed her, etc.  Sounds fishy to me.

  3. what a load of c**p

  4. that must have been some numb bum cos if i sit on the floor for ages i get a funny bum imagine what she went through

  5. Untreated IBS?

  6. I read it! What a sad story! Both people are mental!

  7. Heard she had the ultra deluxe cushion heated toilet seat by acme inc. They say once you get one you will not want to get up.

  8. She was eating Hot Pockets.

  9. bet she didnt date much...

  10. I didn't see the sorry tale, but the images it throws up are quite disturbing. Don't think I'll be able to look at a toilet seat without that image popping up. Weird.

  11. She must be pooped.

  12. saw that.  talk about gnarly!!!

  13. Talk about the t**d that wouldn't drop!

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