
Did you see the video of Italian sunbathers chilling out as the dead body of a drowning victim lays nearby?

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It seems that's the price a civilization pays when they celebrate Godlessness. No empathy, no kindness, no humanity. Europe is dead. Might as well call it Europeistanibad




  1. I can understand there was nothing the people on the beach could do about it, but to just sit there and continue tanning and drinking with the bodies of dead young girls just feet away is horrible in my mind. I'm in the U.S military and I'm called out as a barbarian and monster for being in the military all the time by foreigners. But a story like this shows who the real monsters are. Makes me sick. I guess selfishness is the new motto to live by now.

  2. I hadn't even heard about this until I read your question.

    I took a look at some of the stories and photos on the internet.

    The entire thing is shameless.  This just goes to show how 'dehumanized' our culture has become.  "Dead bodies on the beach?  Who cares?  I don't want it ruining my suntanning and lunch."

    BIG "whatever" on the comments about them being gypsies and that Italian's don't like the gypsies.  The entire thing is sick, and I'll tell you something else... it could happen ANYWHERE.  Whats the difference between this and the people who ignore or refuse to help someone ailing in the street, or someone being robbed or attacked?  Its all the same thing.

    Our culture has become completely desensitized to this stuff.

    We have sunk SOOOOO low.

  3. I did...that was a sad commentary on our society.

  4. And how many miles away from Vatican City did this happen?

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