
Did you see the video where a game show host hit a contestant and he hit her back?

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  1. My thoughts? replay in english please

  2. LMAO......I have to agree with Karen on this one!

  3. What a dumb w***e...She's one of "those" women that think they can hit a guy but the guy's not suppose to hit her back!

  4. lmao. awesome.

  5. hahahahaah thats the funnyiest thing i have seen today and the woman got what she needed you cant go aroung hitting people

  6. ...pimpin ain't easy.

    I liked the 30 man line to kick his butt after

  7. World's full of stupid people, FD.

  8. Wow. That was amusing. I wish you could see the 5 minutes leading up to it though. Both of them are in the wrong. The host was obnoxious, and wounded the contestants pride, and he retaliated like any regular low-impulse-control person (including myself) would, and got throttled by the entire cast. Felt a little sorry for him. But then again I wish I'd seen the prior 5 minutes...  

  9. she started it I think it was slightly justified seems like she was expecting the results she got funny people think because they are on tv they can what ever they want to people.

    by slightly I mean hey not cool to hit a chick but seems like she was expecting him to cowar down to him after the hit or something

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