
Did you see these PHOTOS of Sarah Palin?

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Curioser and curioser.




  1. So she went to a party when she was underage? It happens. The pregnancy, I do not agree with and I do think thats a problem...but one party I don't think we should bash the girl?  

  2. And this is important to McCain's VP selection and the real issues facing this nation because?

  3. And?  Hate to break it to you but MOST kids do the underage drinking bit.  Nothing new there.  I would say that the exception would be a kid who didn't do that.

  4. no

    typical teenager... too bad she ruined her life

  5. Who cares? When I was 17 I was drinking beer, smoking, and acting like a fool. How many teens do you know that hasn't been drunk? Get real fool! Kids will be kids. Don't act like you never did it!


  6. Oh yes. I saw them a few minutes ago. Lovely, heh? I seriously think McCain is trying to lose this election on purpose. There is just no other excuse for his choice of VP.  

  7. It just goes to show, if somebody can't control there own kids, then what will happen if she needs to step in as president?

  8. Obviously, you are a kid, to not realize that:

    #1, we raise our children the best we can, but they are individuals, and we can not CONTROL what they CHOOSE to do.

    #2, we are NOT our children, and they are NOT us.

    GROW UP, and find something truly important to worry about!

  9. If you can't even control your own family, How can you run a country if anything should ever happen to McCain.

  10. she likes to party and have s*x ..this is most teenage girls lifestyle in America  

  11. Wow..this will be all over the tabloids.  

  12. Just when you think the left hit the bottom of the sleaze barrel.  I hope you never have a chance to go into public office and have kids.  

  13. No. But the photos are of Bristol, aren't they? Is it true that Bristol dropped out of high school? I know that she's 5 months pregnant but still? Is that responsible? She's drinking, too? It is 2008. The progess that had been made has been reversed. I really hate Bush and Cheney because of their stupid ideals that just don't jive with American culture and society.

    edit: People drink a lot where I live. Why? Because there is nothing else to do. If we created more opportunities and activities then people would be more responsible. It's really that simple in terms of a solution that could be implemented and get results. It's not like there isn't work to be done. Look around. There is a lot that can be done.

  14. If we all were judged by our kid's behavior, I would be in deep $hit.

  15. First off, those are of her daughter, not of the future vice president, so back off. Secondly, you can't seriously be naive enough to think there isn't any underage drinking going on out there. The majority of kids have alcohol before they are legally allowed. And lastly, why should this even bother you? This is a family matter, obviously, and not a political one.  

  16. no i have not.

    but those are such typical teenage photos.

  17. You are so RABID to post those pics, you didn't even bother to note that they are NOT of Governor Palin, but (allegedly) her daughter Bristol.

    FIRST... good reason to be CAREFUL with those digital pic kids !! As those public-service-announcements stated... if it's on the web (My Space?) it's in the public domain !!

    SECOND... In Alaska... Are there any situations when an underage persons can legally possess and consume alcoholic beverages?

    Yes, if the underage persons are not on licensed premises and the alcoholic beverages are provided by their parents, legal guardians or spouse over the age of 21 years. ( )

    The drinking age of 21 is NOT National Law.. it is ONLY that the purchase has to be restricted to those over 21 to receive Federal Highway funds... thanx to Congress and MADD in 1984.  MANY states have more common-sense laws regarding consumption.

    AND, to answer your original question... No, I hadn't seen them because I don't spend my day trolling around trashy celebrity sites.

  18. The values of the child DO reflect on the parent. Her mom probably isn't around that much anyways. I understand kids will be kids, but you can't be a good example of family values when your kid is drinking underage and getting pregnant.

  19. I wonder how the Cons missed the fact that the real mother of the youngest in that family is the eldest daughter.

    You look at pics from when Palin claimed to be 7 months pregnant and you could bounce quarters off her trampoline flat belly.

    Honestly, Palin just makes the Cons look like they're throwing in the worst potential candidate possible.  They have to know all Palins history or lack of it politically, is bound to be a huge issue.  

    It really makes me wonder if McCain and Palin were offered up knowing Jesus & Moses couldn't run and win under the Republican banner, not after Shrub and Co are driven from the White house.  

    It pains me to think of the long winded, self aggrandizing speech Bush will spew.   Time for a media black out.  

  20. Well these photos have me convinced. I was sure that punishing my employer with high taxes would hurt my job. I was sure that the free market was the answer to our problems. But this teenage girl has just changed my outlook on things completely.. SOCIALISM is the answer! Go Barack!

  21. McCain goofed big time.  These pics mean nothing (if they did, W wouldn't have been elected).  I'm more concerned with the fact that this woman appears to follow the religious cu-koos stance on everything - stem cells to creationism in science books.  Yes, she's willing to ignore her family's needs for the sake of securing power - but that's not the worst of it.  I just hope that normal Americans will recognize the cynicism in this choice and vote for Obama.  

  22. see hypocrisy at it's finest!  I love this, Palin needs to ease up a bit with her rabid conservatism

  23. And I suppose you and your family never underage drank, s*x before marriage, and got pregnant before ready and mature enough?

    Go to a high school of today and count how many do at least one of the mentioned above. Hint: it'd be easier to count who hasn't.

    Get over it and focus on your own family. Focus on politics; not what goes on with every other family in today's crazy world.

    Better than what Obama, his socialist America hating wife, and his racist preacher been teaching the Obama kids since birth.

  24. Perez Hilton?? The guy who is intolerant of anyone who is intolerant of g*y rights?

    Sorry but that won't change my vote.

  25. I don't think those photos are of Sarah - those are her daughter.  People in Alaska drink a lot.

  26. teens are more liberal in early days and can hide almost anything from parents....I did! I did everything and anything and I had sorta strict parents. I just knew how to hide....Most teens trash this girl for having a teen party life is pretty hypocritical and will backfire on you liberals. NOV is coming and I bet you will still be ranting on this.

  27. so what, at least she is not smoking crack like Obama did in his youth. Besides, Sarah Palin isn't running for president, McCain is, funny how you Obamiebots can't manage an argument against McCain, so you have to go after a women. NO CLASS.  

  28. Those are photos of her daughter Bristol I believe, holding bottles of alcohol and also a beer.  She is 17...guess she was partying some eh?  Wonder if Momma knew lol.

  29. Mom can't deal with discipline; she's busy running for VP.

  30. Parenting at it's finest, especially if this young woman is allegedly so ill with mono and newly pregnant at the same time.

    But to be fair, my friends & I would sneak a bottle off a parent's liquor cabinet every now and then.  BUT, we were not in the public spotlight!

  31. Wow.  Not exactly what Palin needs right now.  

    So much for the McCain vetting process...

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