
Did you shave, before you went to the hospital? Did the hospital shave you?

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I know it isn't routine at most hospitals.

But I'd much rather shave myself than have someone else sit there and shave my v****a. Haha.

Although frankly, I can see that shaving my own girly bits at 9 months pregnant might be a bit of a task.

What did you do?




  1. I did trim myself up a little, like you said, it's kinda tricky. The hospital I went to didn't shave me, but that's not a guarantee that the hospital you've chosen is the same way. But, just so you know, by the time you hit labor and you feel like a watermelon is coming out of your po-po, how much hair and where it is will be the LAST of your concerns!!! GOOD LUCK!!!

  2. Brazilian wax. I shaved all the way through my pregnancy, I didn't care if I couldn't see. ha. I do brazilian waxes on pregnant women all the time, all afraid to go in the delivery room "unclean". I personally am too much of a baby to get it done. I've waxed everything besides there and it all hurts, so I don't wanna try. But you could do that. I have some people that say it hurts a lot and some cry, some say it doesn't hurt at all.

  3. I shaved my own but it's second nature to me I do it at least twice a week.  

  4. The hospital shaved me before the C-section and it was terrible.  They use a dry razor.  That pain of all of it growing back with staples and tape on my incision is an awful memory.

    I would try your best to shave yourself or have someone help you.  

  5. I had a clinical rotation in the maternity ward and I saw women who were shaved and women who weren't.  They don't shave you unless you are having a c-section and then they only shave the top part.  Its up to you.

  6. i would like to know too!

  7. I stopped shaving at about 7 couldnt see it nemore, i even tried holding a mirror down there but still no luck, didn't want to ask the hubby, he would probably of just pissed me

    But yea im due tomorrow and don't plan on shaving, I don't think they shave you anymore either,  

  8. When I had my son 7 years ago they shaved me in the hospital. I was having a c-section though. I couldn't do it myself - it was a bit hard with a huge belly and not being able to see what you're doing lol!!

  9. I'm not due for another 6 weeks but I can tell you this: I haven't shaved for at least 3 months now... I can't see it, my belly made it disappear!  It isn't required for your to shave, (hospitals and Dr.'s don't routinely do it anymore, though they may trim you) and recently, it's being discouraged because of the knicks and cuts you can get; they can get infected which makes for a quite unpleasant pregnancy and/or birthing experience.  Don't be embarrassed about your hair; worse things can happen.  A lot of women defecate themselves while they're pushing.  I'm more worried about that than I am about my pubes.

  10. I stoped shaving 2 weeks befor i went into labor. They don't shave you unles you have a c-section but it's only were they cut you oepn at. I ask my doctor when i was pg if it matter if i shaved or not and he said it doens't matter either way.  

  11. I didn't plan to have a Cesarean but I was overdue and not dilating so they booked me in for a c-section.  A nurse shaved me and it wasn't all that bad - they've seen it all so they don't mind.

    I don't think you should bother trying to do it yourself because it might not be necessary and I think its better left to the experts (the nurses).

  12. Hospitals don't shave women anymore as they have found that pubic hair doesn't increase a baby's risk of a post delivery infection (which is the reason they used to shave women).

    If Hubby wont oblige, you could use a mirror and be careful, or even go and get a x*x wax, they have seen it all before. But it isn't necessary to remove pubic hair anymore, maybe just trim it and hope for the best. lol

  13. Jeez, no one shaves you anymore and you should only be ashamed of your natural self if natural means you neglect to clean!

    The only time I was somewhat shaved was in preparation for me c-section, and they gave me an Amish beard look....  Never mind shaving or otherwise, your health care providers will chalk you up as another weirdo if you do.

  14. um, have fun trying to shave at 9 months pregnant, i gave up at 7 months!! they didnt shave me, until it was c-section time and then they just shaved a little off the top. LOL at that point, i didn't care, i had went through 24 hrs of labor, 3 hours of pushing and pooping on the table!!!

  15. well if you ask me im 20 weeks and theres no way im going to the hospital with a bunch of hair down there its nasty. have someone help or get a mirror.

  16. if you are having a vaginal birth they will not shave you nor do you need to.. if you are thinking your hospital might, call and ask. I had a c-section, i would have shaved myself, but i was not planning on having my twins that day, it was a reg. dr app. that turned into their birth. The hospital shaved me in that area, and they did it with no shaving cream and a one blade old school plastic shaver!

  17. The last thing the staff will care about is how well groomed your v****a is while your pushing a baby out it.  And believe me the last thing you'll be thinking about is how everyone is appreciated how attractive your v****a looks.

  18. It depends on your doctor really. Because they do use a disinfectant down there when you are about to deliver they just let the hair be. You can actually pass on more bacteria if you are shaved than with hair. If you were to cut yourself, bacteria would be there... I would say if you don't shave normally, don't worry about it. If it bugs you that much just get an electric razor and trim down there. That way after you deliver you won't have to deal with the itchiness and the postpartum bleeding at the same time.

    I personally went all natural, I couldn't see much less reach down there by that point.

    HTH sweetie.

  19. well i shaved it before i went to the hospital i couldn't think about any body else doing it but if i wouldn't of had a miscarriage then my husband would of shaved me before i would of went to the hospital but any ways i would shave it your self don't let some one else do it unless it is your husband i hope this answers your question

  20. i was a little fuzzy with my daughter. i am getting stripped and stretched on wednesday and plan on shaving sunday or monday so im not hairy but not freshly shaved either.makes it a little cleaner down there for after the baby...

  21. With my first pregnancy i shaved myself and i ended up with a c-section so no one ended up shaving me anyways. With this one once again i've been shaving the whole pregnancy and plan on shaving before i go to the hospital. I use the intuition razors and they work great since i cant see anything ! I can blindly shave and i'm not worried about cutting myself.

  22. They don't do that at the hospital anymore unless you get a c-section. They found you were more likely to get an infection if they shaved you. Get a mirror and put it where you can see to do it yourself at home or you can have your significant other

  23. niether at the time you could care less all that embarassing stuff heads out the door with each contraction lol

    oh andno they didn't shave me :)

  24. I had my husband do the whole nine yards the day before my sceduled C-section.  The nurse said "Nice job, you just made my day a whole lot easier"

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