
Did you smoke during pregnancy?

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Did you smoke during pregnancy?




  1. I gave up when we were TTC #1. 3 kids later and I haven't smoked since and I won't!

  2. I quit the day I found out I was pregnant. I felt guilty for doing it when I did not know I was pregnant. I don't think I will smoke ever again. The smell & thought of them repulse me!

  3. When i found out that i was pregnant with my daughter almost 3 years ago when i was 16, yeah i know i was young i quit cold turkey the next day after i went to the dr and started again when she was 3 months old, with this little one im carrying now i found out the day after christmas and quit smoking 2 weeks later im hoping after this one i will be able to stay away from it, way to much money

  4. Nope. I couldn't find a tobacconist in the womb...

    ha ha.

    just kidding.

  5. no way. i read somewhere that could increase the chance of cot death after birth. not worth it

  6. I didnt but my sister did.  She smoked her regular amount, at least a pack a day, during both of her pregnancys.  I hated it, but it was her choice.  My niece and nephew are almost 5 & 7 and they still cough all the time.  As small children, they had horrible coughs nonstop.  It is sad.

  7. No way.

    Child cruelty

  8. I am ashamed to say i smoked when i was pregnant with my son, i was on about 20 a day and was scared about quitting, i felt incredibly guilty every time i had a cigarette but i did it none the less, he is now 7 and suffers coughs and wheeziness.  When i got pregnant with my 5 year old daughter i quit at about 12 weeks with the help of nhs smoking group and it was hard but not as hard as i thought.  When she was born i started again as i never stopped having cravings all the way through pregnancy.  I finally stopped again in december last year for my kids sake, they were nagging me to stop as they didnt want me to die, bless em.  I am now 21 weeks pregnant with my third and have been stopped for nearly 9 months now, i do still get the occasional craving, i used champix to quit this time round.

  9. As soon as I found out I was pregnant I went from 40 a day down to 5 a day & stayed that way through the rest of my pregnancy.

  10. Yes, both times. The midwife said the first time that it was a good job or my son would have been much larger at birth. Ow!  

  11. No.

  12. I quit before I knew I was pregnant.......the smell and taste made me feel sick......all makes sense now...........2 weeks later I done a test and it was positive! So, I smoked until I was 6 weeks or less approx.

    My body now hates the smell and site of cigarettes and hopefully I will never smoke again.

    I feel like I never have had a cigarette in my life.

  13. Nope.

  14. I quit during my first pregnancy and have cut back drastically with this pregnancy.  I went from a pack a day to about 3 or 4 cigarettes a day, if that.  I tried to quit a few times in the beginning but would get severe headaches so I did my best and cut down.  I can't even smoke a whole cigarette anymore actually, they usually just burn away.

    I used to know one girl actually smoked a lot on purpose so her baby would be small and it wouldn't be so hard to push (that girl didn't deserve a baby if you ask me).  It sounds selfish not to quit, but it really is hard.  I don't smoke in public, only at home, and my fiance is the only person who knows I didn't completely quit.

  15. Nope i quit as soon as i found out!

  16. before i was pregnant i smoked about 5-6 f**s a day ,but as soon as i knew i was having my baby i stopped straight away(cold turkey)

    my son is now 12 months old and I'm still a non-smoker

    i believe that when your pregnant this should be the time to start looking after yourself ,has it's not just your own health in jeopardy,its your baby's health too .


    a friend of mind smoked all way through her pregnancy ,but her daughter stopped growing correctly at 25week so was delivered 6 weeks early .she is just over 1 year old and has health problems now

  17. i did, yes.

    i didn't find out i was preggers till i was 5 months, doc got it wrong(?)

    i never smoked in the house when he was born and when he was about 2 i gave up completely.

    looking back, i regret it completely.

    i had been smoking for 10 years 20 a day, when i gave up "just like that"

    i wanted to and i did.

    when i was preggers however i told myself it would be too hard etc.

    now i know it wasnt too hard i'm angry at myself for not doing it at the time.

    luckally my son was a good weight and doesnt have asthma or anything so i was lucky.

    i'm so glad i dont smoke any more as my son was too young ever remember me doing it in the 1st place.

    just ashamed i could nt sotp it then x

  18. I know a lady who is 7 months pregnant with twin girls, and still smoking half a pack a day.... I don't agree with it, but to each his own.

  19. my mum smoked when she was pregnant with me  (that was 28 years ago) dont know if there is a link but  i smoke now.  When i decide to try for a baby i will NOT smoke! As a smoker you feel the effects so imagine what its doing to the poor little baby inside!!  

  20. I did during all 3 of my pregnancies. My Dr. suggested cutting back, so I did. I went from a pack and a half a day, to 5-7 cigarettes a day. I was gifted with 3 big and healthy babies. The Dr. also said quitting could put stress on me, therefore harming the baby. So his suggestion benefited my children.

  21. I didn't smoke during pregnancy, but I was able to quit in general, after 10 years of cigarretttes.  I determined I would do it, and with prayer, God willing and the patch, I did.  It's going on 10 years since I quit.  Of course, a doctor can tell you what stop smoking aids are safe during prengnancy.  Take all the best care.

  22. No. Its bad for the baby. Its like second hand smoke but its worse cause the baby is in YOU and its getting everything you are.]

    Please be care full.  

  23. i stopped as soon as i found out but my friend smoked more when she was pregnant to have a small baby  

  24. Firstly I cut down to about 3 a day 'cos I really wasnt enjoying it anyway, then I stopped. I would have the very odd one now and again but I havent touched a cigarette for about 3 months now. There are still some days when I really really crave one but I am adament that I am not doing it. I just imagine the smoke going in to the baby and I feel way too guilty. I hope to stay off them for good now.

    Its hard to stop but worth it when you do it, both for your health, your babys health and finacially.

  25. my wife smoked her usual, a pack a day, everyday...through three pregnancies. i am proud to say we have three healthy, happy, active daughters, ages 9, 7 and 6. absolutely no health problems whatsoever with any of them.

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