
Did you swear that one day you would leave that podunk little town but ultimately end up going back?

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Growing up I swore that once I graduated I would never look back on this place...but after college I wound up coming back to my hometown and getting a job here. And honestly...looking back I dont remember what was so bad about this place.




  1. Well I only graduated in 2007, so I am still trying to become independent, but I would not mind living in this area, maybe not this exact town, I could move over a few. But don't be ashamed of yourself, also if you want you could always move, plus now you are living on your own so that changes things, even if it is your town you grew up in.

  2. I'm 28 and left home when I was 19.  Since then I've spent the night ONCE in my hometown.  Everything else has just been a day long visit.  The place is booooooring.


  3. Guilty as charged. Now I wish that I could leave again.

  4. I was the opposite. I left, planning to someday come back. But I didn't, and really don't want to anymore.

  5. I grew up in Philadelphia, the 5th largest city. It doesn't really apply here.

  6. I did leave my little town, although it hardly qualified as a podunk.  Returning, years later, I found that it had turned into a yuppieville, with huge new houses competing for the title of ugliest and  most ostentatious on the block.  Yuck.

  7. Yes, I have! I hated it here when I was young and swore I would leave and never return. But here I am again. These days, I do kind of like it here. It's fairly quiet and it is a great community. But alas, I'm getting the itch to move again, so off I go in a couple of months!

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