
Did you swim when you were a kid?

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If so, did you want to try high-level swimming?

If so again, what did it require from you? Were you successful?

That's for a research i'm doing, thank you.




  1. Hiya,

    I used to swim as a child and wish I'd continued to a prfessional level as I had age and ability on my side. Complete dedication and commitment is required to succeed, it's not impossible but you need to be willing to sacrifice other things to achieve your dream.

    I hope that helps a little.

    Take care,


  2. i learned to swim when i was 3... my grandmom worked in a condo with a pool and i had nothing better to do

  3. I didn't learn to swim until I was 13 or so, even though I daily went to the beach in the summer  (I lived near a salt-water bay).  I never was a strong swimmer, although I'm not afraid of the water.  Later when I was in the Coast Guard the swimming instructor said that a certain percentage of people were simply "sinkers" and not "floaters."  It's true.  Unless I'm exerting some positive effort to stay afloat, I sink like a rock.

  4. I swam and belonged to a club and took part in competitions as an amateur. It was the best sport to keep fit and correcting my spine. I still go swimming to keep fit so that I can practice other activities such as hiking, skiing...

  5. yeh, our school had a real titchy one, no i was pretty c**p , idid enjoy it though

  6. no i never learned how to swim and im in the navy

    of course i learned how to swim

  7. yes and no i dont think the Air Force needs high-level swimming so im good lol

  8. Yes, I swam alot as a kid (living near a lake helps), took lesson up to level 8 (level 10 is the highest then goes into lifeguard levels), Did not do and desired to do competitive swimming.  Swam for fun!  Still do.

  9. I did swim. I took all the red cross courses. I don't swim anymore. I would not high level swim. It takes so much time. i have a few friends who high level swimm and they have to swim everyday

  10. ya i learned how to swim maybe when i was 4, once you learn how 2 really swim like the different types is very asy to learn

  11. No I didn't. But I was amaze to my friend. When he was young he can swim very fast. He even go with the adult. He is just less than a month that time. I am really jealous to him cause I don't know how to swim until I reach 12. I was so sad. But despite that I am happy for my friend. He really did it.

    By the way my friend's parents were fishes.Albino Oscar! They're d**n graceful in swimming. Geez.

  12. Ooohhhh... I didn't but my sister did. She swam for a local club and then the club told her she was good enough to swim for the county when she was 11 so she started training everyday, and before school on some days. Until she was 13 that was. She got a leg injury somehow and she didn't train for 3 months. Her coach told her she could have gone far because she was getting national times (which would make her able to compete to swim for the country) but after she had recovered from her injury, she slowed down a bit and was unable to keep up with the high level of training. She missed a load of important open meets so decided to quit swimming competitively. She now currently still swims for the local club, but just for fitness. It's a shame because I know how much she wanted to swim competitively. The thing about swimming is, there are so many wannabes, but only a few actually make it. There was a girl who swam for my local club who went on to get the 8th best time in the world for breastroke (200m) but just narrowly missed out on making it to the great britain olympic swimming team. I heard she was gutted - anyone would be - and although she's still carrying on, it's so upsetting for them to narrowly miss out like that. I've heard that the further you get, the more it means to you and that if you just narrowly miss out, it makes it worse.

  13. Yes, I've been swimming since I took swimming lessons at age 6.  Never did swim team or anything though.

  14. yes and i have a scare from when i plunged into a rock when i went underwater

  15. I learnt to swim myself as a child from going on holidays and playing around in the pool

    I was about 6 if that helps

  16. I started swimming at 5, but never tried going pro. my uncle was a professional swimmer when he was a teenager, and he had to practice for several hours, about 4 times a week.

  17. My mom took me to swim lessons. I went all the way through life guard but couldn't get certified because I was too weak. The swim coach wanted me on the team as a breast stroker, but the team was fifteen minutes away from home, so my mother didn't want to drive.

  18. yes i did swim when i was a kid i grew up in Trinidad it is a island right on top of South America i loved swimming. High level swimming is great i would love it.

  19. yes, did swim as a kid.  no, didn't want to high-level swim.

  20. Yes

  21. I like to swim just for fun. I'm not terribly good at it but in the summer it's refreshing. And it's a fun and easy way to get a killer workout!

    Much Love


  22. Yes i was swiming when i was very little by the age of 4 i was diving down into 12ft pool and getting pennies. Poeple always joke wiht me calling em a fish! lol But yes then i took some calsees now im trying out for a lifegaurd position. Its takes ALOT of breath and goog mucsual endurance! You have to be able to keep it up for long periods of time, YES i was very successful

  23. Yes I swam as a kid.  No I was never interested in high level swimming.

  24. We basically live in the water in the summer time.  In fact most of the people I know did.  Living by the lake that is what you live in from morning til night.

    Some people are and some aren't.  They just work to get enough money to be able to party by the lake.

    From BBQ's to ice chests full of beer.

  25. yes i did swim when i was a kid swimming races when i was a kid and in highschool. i became a lifegaurd for 3 years and also taught swimming lessons for 2 summers(during those three years).

  26. I started swimming when I was 9 months old.Now I am 12 and a half,and I am going for the nationals this time(I have been winning 7 gold,5 silver and 11 bronze medals since 2 years I have going to nationals).I learned proper freestyle and breaststroke when I was 11 months,and backstroke and butterfly when I was 2 and a half years.I have been successful in swimming and I am thinking of my profession as a swimmer only.

  27. yes, I did swim. Yes again. Just some time and money for coaching.  You can say so. I won two competitions.

  28. I love swimming.

    I am in high school and I am on the swim team.

    Istartes to learn how to swim when I was live 1.

    My parents feel it is neccasary becasue my family owns a cottage on a lake.

  29. yes and i am a very strong swimmer, i Even was a lifeguard for two years.

  30. I took swimming lessons as a kid - I think it's a great skill for all kids to have.  I never wanted to try high-level swimming though.  I didn't really ever learn to dive and so that made it difficult to advance (diving scared me, LOL). I finally learned to dive as a teenager, but not from anything high!

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