
Did you take AP Biology in high school?

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If you did, then what is a good way to get started because a read from this Cliff book and I'm having a hard time understanding the first chapter (biochemistry basically). Do you know whether or not the AP Bio exam is the same nation wide? Leave as many tips like websites or suggestions to help me. Thank you




  1. I just finished taking AP bio this past year and took the AP test in may. I made a four (but I thought I made a 5) and i used the 5 steps to a 5 book...very helpful. The AP Bio exam is the same nation wide I believe. There aren't even 2 variations of the test like U.S. History for example. the first chapters are tough but if you take the practice quizzes at the end I'm sure you'll understand it better.

  2. Yea, the exam is the same nationwide, just taken at different times. I didn't really use much of a website.

    But you can always read the book along with reading the chapters of the book. The book was really thick.. but it was holding a lot of information. Cliff notes did really help out a lot. It had a shorten version of major parts of the test, but it didn't have all the information that was on the test. Something to expect, because the books are only trying to help you on the majority of the questions.

    What is it that you're having a hard time understanding?

  3. i could of but i didn't

  4. I've taken AP biology as a junior in high school. Cliff notes AP Biology was really useful when I was reviewing for the exam. If you want to start getting ready before school I would suggest you hire a tutor as you are having a difficult time understanding the material. If you really don't have the money, start forming study groups with your friends and ask them to help you out.

    There are many other reference books out there you might find useful. For example, Princeton Review AP Biology.

    And yes, the exam is the same nationwide. Please don't hesitate to e-mail me for help! Biology is really interesting but can be frustrating and challenging--I've been there as a high school student and know exactly how you feel.

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