
Did you take the AP Japanese exam?

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If so, what materials did you use in class or to study for the exam?




  1. my school didn't have an AP Japanese class so i had to study on my own... *sigh*

    the main materials i used to study was the textbook "genki" and the sample questions from collegeboard, which really helped! (also make sure to do the sample listening/speaking questions from collegeboard to know whats its like on the test) kekkou muzuka s**+ desuyo >_<;;

    i also practiced typing in japanese on my comp. everyday since i had to type two essays (less than 400 words) and only had 25 mins to type the whole thing during the test.

    its good to know how to type fast in romaji so during the actual test you could spend more time thinking what you want to write rather than figuring out how to type in romaji.

    don't worry too much about the test! if you study hard and know japanese well, you'll do fine! even i was able to get a 5 on it :)

    so good luck! ganbattane! ^ ^

  2. I didn´t take the AP Japanese exam, but I took the AP Psychology exam.

    What I suggest is to always keep your work from your AP Japanese class in handy, cuz you´ll really need it for studying.

    What your teacher says (if they are a good teacher) should be law. It´s vital was they say cuz a lot of it may come up on th exam.

    Since it´s a language and I assume culture test, you should practice, practice, practice.

    But, don´t overload. You´re mind needs space to breath.

    Other than that, good luck!

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