
Did you think 25 million was a reasonable figure snarf for Heather Mills MCartney snarf. Or was it too little?

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Or too much snarf. They were only married for four years. I didnt snarf they could get money for such short time




  1. What the h**l is snarf?

    She wanted more, she was offered 25 million ages ago and turned it down. Now the silly ***** will have to pay her legal fees out of it which will amount to a tidy sum.............ha

    To IP Freely, she won £25 million/$48 million

  2. She deserves nothing.  She's a greedy one legged parasite.

  3. give me a break....but i guess it was worth that much to get rid of her.....go paul

  4. too much as it felt she married him for the money

  5. i thought it was 48 million.

  6. Way way too much.All Macs money was earnt before she came along so she has no claim. Now she's got it how soon can we see her giving vast sums to charity as she said she would?

  7. i saw her fake crying on some tv show that they showd a clip of. she should have got her taxi fare home and thats it. (that would have been too much for the cow) lol

  8. A ridiculous amount. like most people in UK I am struggling to live on 35 million. How the h**l can someone expect to live on 10 mil less than this? Surely as she is living below the poverty line she should be able to claim housing benefits etc.

  9. 25 quid would have been a more accurate figure for the w***e.  Paul should also have full custody of the kid.  Do we want another Heather Mills in 20 years.

  10. SNARF are you from a planet far far away?

  11. Too much in my opinion for the money grabbing trollop...

  12.  thumbs  down  for  this  ...she  was  taken  to  cleaners  ,they  obviously  cared  for  each  other  at  some  point   but  in  Paul's  case  on  the  rebound  he  fathered  a  child  used  her  and  had  enough  money  to  pay for  the  best  lawyers and  advisers  when  he   decided   he  really  didn't  love  her  anymore  and  rejected  her and  bet  the  step  kid  loved  stirring  it ,unfortunately   Heathers  second  rate  advisers  didn't  come  up  to  scratch  hope  its  no  win  no  fee  scenario  for  her  ,there's  always  2  sides  to  a  story  don't  think  Paul's  squeaky  clean

  13. far to much

  14. Its much too little. The hypocrisy of the system. When the money men talk behind closed doors and palm the poor woman off with a pittance! Shame! She should have got half. £400 million

  15. Too much snarf?  wht the h**l is snarf?

  16. I don't really have an opinion on that. I'm sure Paul will not bankrupt.

  17. i don't think it's nearly enough

    and 35k a year isn't enough to keep our beatrice either

    no, no, i've said too much,

    gagging order  etc

  18. Can't the doctors do anything for your facial tic?

  19. It was snarf £25 million too much. Paul would have found it cheaper to have rented her by the hour.

  20. Heather Mills deserves nothing.  I didn't like Peg from the start.

    Also, Paul has gotten increasingly stupid as the years go by.  He started to deteriorate after he had the little bitc/h fight over making his name go first before john's on song credits (ie. McCartney/Lennon not Lennon/McCartney).  He had it coming to him, regardless of how much I didn't like the blonde.

  21. With all that money she can now buy a gold pickaxe and shovel.

  22. My heart bleeds for her, really I'd of given her BFH, bus fare home. With all the money from chat shows & media backhanders, she has the audacity to winge on about it. Apparently she now wishes a quite life and for the media to leave her in peace. I suggest she emigrate to the Artic tundra.

  23. i think it went on the fact that

    the case had ruined her chances of ever earning a decent wage becos of the public hate generated towards here through the divorce .. to the wizened up old hag, has been, paul

    what he h**l is snarf .. snarf .. snarf ....

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