
Did you think Tony Blair was a good Prime Minister

by Guest55941  |  earlier

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I was having an argument with my father over this as he thinks he was a good Prime Minister and I don't..

Can you settle this argument as I believe most people will agree with me.




  1. Yes I believe he was a good MP. Given his good relationship with US and its interest , which are my interest, I can only paint him as such.  

  2. If you look at Britain, especially England before and after the Blair Witch, there is a dramantic difference. Hospitals even in war times have never been as bad as they are now, the same for prisons, schools and immigrants. He also started this ridiculous PC culture and rewards people that don't want to work by giving them benefits.

  3. Every British Prime Minister, whether Conservative or Labour, always seems to be castigated when he or she gets near the end of their period in office. Blair was no exception, yet since Gordon Brown has taken over, many say "come back Tony Blair all is forgiven".

    But never forget Bair won three elections on the trot for Labour not too long after Labour appeared to be on the verge of disappearing. These Labour victories were almost entirely due to the charisma and outstanding debating skills and oratory of Tony Blair. Had it not been for his one really big blunder, the support of George Bush's war against Saddam, I believe most today would consider him one of Britain's best ever Prime Minister. But that one big blunder has made him generally unpopular.

  4. For all his faults (no one is perfect) Blair did the impossible. He brought the peace to Northern Ireland. History will remember him for that. KGB (King Gordon Brown) will be remembered as an unelected PM, who turned out to be the worst PM in history.

  5. Blair was a fraud and an ar.sehole. He and Brown hijacked the real Labour party 10 years ago and turned it into a right-wing authoritarian party.

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