
Did you think that the film 'The Queen' gave an accurate portrayal of the royal family?

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And in particular the royal families attitudes towards Diana and the public?




  1. I hope not, Helen Mirren portrayed the Queen as a woman who waddled when she walked

  2. We will never know, but I think it was probably reasonably accurate. The Queen is actually a rather shy and sensitive person, which is the reason she appears so stiff sometimes.

    I wish Charles had been given a bit more credit for standing up to the Queen in order to escort Diana's body home. He knew it was the proper thing to do, in spite of protocol and all that.

  3. They asked that same question when they were talking about the Diana situation on tv the other day. They said it matched them to a T, besides the Queen wouldn't be so shy and sympathetic as she was in the movie. :) I believe that otherwise it really did.

  4. From the comments I've heard and read, and the film itself, it seems likely that it was reasonably realistic. I do believe the royals were surprised at the public reaction to Princess Diana's death ~ and why not, many of 'the public' were similarly surprised. I doubt any of us thought there would be such displays.

    It might seem odd for us who read so many articles about the royal family to imagine it, but I believe from various interviews they have done that they do NOT read newspaper articles about themselves, etc ... it would simply be too difficult.

    Therefore, they often don't have much idae of the popular attitude to things, which can cause them to seem a bit out of touch.

    And, like every human being they have their personal problems ~ the Queen is said to be somewhat shy, the Duke of Edinburgh is said to lack social skills, it is all very likely if one considers them simply as people, apart from their status.

    Cheers :-)

  5. I think it was realistic and we will never know how truthful it was because the royal family won't comment on it.  They were in a possible situation and did the best they could.

  6. From what I know, yes.  There were stories of their reactions to her death at the time, but those stories just didn't get a lot of attention.  I don't think people like hearing that the royal family today a) is human and b) can actually have a heart.  One story related how Charles went out on the moor a few nights after Di died crying "Why? Why? Why?"  Di and Charles always tried to be civil for the sake of their children after the divorce.  They both seemed to want to be adutls on the matter.  

    And just because Diana shook up the royal house when she was around does not automatically lead, IMHO, to the royal family wanting her dead.  There's a lot of people who have annoyed me in my life, even made my life more complicated, but I didn't want them dead.  She's the mother of Harry and William.  Of COURSE it was a tragedy to the family when she died.

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