
Did you throw up or have a BM during pushing/labor?

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Sorry to be a little gross but I'm worried about how common both of those things are during labor?




  1. No.

    With my first one, they were 'nice' enough to give me laxatives to 'clear everything'.

    With my second one, I knew almost a day before I went into labor, so I wasn't allowed to eat. So that made it easier for the puking issues, and no BM either.

    I've heard it's pretty common, and NOTHING to be ashamed of...just focus on the baby and getting him/her out!

  2. I was so petrified about having a BM and every time I pushed I would ask if  I did.  They all started laughing.  But I never did.  However, I threw up all the whole time in the hospital until I started pushing.

  3. yep especially bm

  4. A lot of patients do have a small bowel movement during pushing, but it's generally not very much.  And us nurses really don't think anything of it, we just try to keep you as clean as we can and keep the pushing going.  So, try not to worry too much about it, it's really not a big deal.  And if it does happen, you may not even realize it.  As far as throwing up, it's not as common in my experience.  The majority of people who do throw up don't have epidurals and I think they just get nauseated because of the pain.  And where I work, we have medications we can give for nausea or vomiting.

  5. I vomited during labor with my first child, I don't know if it's because of the pain, (after the epidural wore off), or if it was because of the epidural.  I think both are very common and doctor's/nurses expect either, during labor...if either happens to you don't worry, they've seen it before, and believe me there's no time for embarrassment.

  6. BM is very common during labor. My doctor told me to push as if I was going to the bathroom, so naturally a little will come out.

  7. This is rare with moms who choose a drug free birth. Whatever happens during birth your attendants have seen it all and will react quickly to assist you and you will be too busy to notice or care. Best wishes, G

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