
Did you turn off your lights and support "Earth Hour"?

by  |  earlier

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My neighbourhood definetly did not. I have a community centre close by, it didn't even bother turning off the lights... is Earth Hour successful or not? All the streetlights are on too... What's the whole Earth Hour's purpose now?




  1. I spent earth hour by turning on ALL of the lights in the house and leaving them on for TWO hours!

  2. Turned them ALL on!  We had "Power Hour" party! Everyone drove up in their SUV's!

    Some moron down the road turned off everything and somebody stole their car in the darkness!

  3. Just completed my hour a few minutes ago.....

  4. I only heard of this through Myspace today. But yes, I did support it.They should have advertised it more!

  5. yes i did

  6. Yes, we turned out our lights and turned off the computer.  I was NICE!  Most of the street participated too which was nice to see!

  7. I didn't.... I was at the movie theater with my friend.

    And I forgot to turn on all my electrical stuff in protest.... d**n!

    I'll just have to keep everything on all night just to make up for it.

  8. I did but my street wasn't so supportive!

  9. only read about it the next day on the paper...... lol

  10. Nope.  I'm not going to support some gimmicky program for conservation, etc..  If people are going to get serious about all this, they'll undertake lifestyles that are well within their financial range, actually at no additional expense at all.  When people are serious about it,  they won't need any government program to convince them of the need, and they'll do it voluntarily without waving flags and painting things green, etc..  As "anti-green" stuff as I am, I'm way ahead of the vast majority of this country, and I didn't have to incorporate any goofy new items like hybrid cars or solar panels or recycling patterns.  With even a little bit of  thought, all this "earth hour" and "green" nonsense, can be eliminated, and we can get on with living responsibly.  God Bless  you.

  11. ahh i forgot about earth hour

  12. Live in apartment building and was amazed how quiet it got.

  13. do you think it really helps? i suggest we have to opt other means to protect our environment. like why cant we have a earth hour where everyone plants a sapling. guess the increase in the green cover if atleast 25% of our population does this.

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