
Did you use oral gel when your baby was teething??

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Did you use oral gel when your baby was teething??




  1. yes that's why they make baby origel

  2. I didn't because I know some mom's who tried it on themselves and it numbed their entire mouth.  

    I use a wet facecloth that I've put in the freezer for about 10 minutes.  The baby enjoys chewing on it.  I have also used the teething rings that you refrigerate.  When this doesn't work I find that Camilia works during the day and if all else fails then its Tempra.

  3. Nope, it was a mess and didn't seem to help.  I used the frozen damp washcloths as well.  Before I discovered the great Hyland's homeopathic tablets, I'd rub her gums with a couple drops of brandy or rum if she was hurting badly!!  SO hick, but it worked!  LOL

  4. I did and it didn't work to good.  I found teething tablets and they work wonders.  

  5. Yes, and she absolutely loved it.  It worked instantly for her, which was great!  I have not, though, given her orajel since she started eating solid food.  It really can numb the entire mouth and sometimes the throat, so feeding with it may be dangerous.

  6. I didn't, I preferred Hyland's teething tablets.  

    Also, try the frozen wash cloth trick.  They'll gnaw on it until it numbs their gums for a bit.  Another great thing is to put ice or frozen fruit in those little mesh feeders.  It will numb them right up.  

  7. It has worked really well for us.  In fact, I've tried it myself, and it definitely works.  That said, I hate using more chemicals than I need to, so I only offer it if he's crying or super-fussy and I know which part of the gums it needs to go on.

  8. No, just use a teething ring and if they get a fever then some Tylenol. (ask doctor first)  The rings that are filled with water and you freeze are the best.

  9. I didn't i just bought her a bunch of toys so she can chew on them and that did it she felt better.

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