
Did you vote for McCain in... ?

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1. Did you vote McCain in 2000 primaries

2. Did you vote McCain in 2008 primaries

3. Are you going to Vote for McCain in THIS election?

(my answers)

1. yes

2. no

3. no




  1. 1. Yes

    2. No

    3. YES

  2. Never!

  3. Yes,



  4. No



  5. I didn't support McCain in 2000, I didn't support McCain in 2004, and the ONLY reason I will be voting for him in 2008 is to stop Barrack Obama from becoming our next president.  

    I will take a moderate republican willing to reach across party lines ANY DAY over a guy with NO military experience, NO foreign policy experience, and NO economic experience who thinks he's qualified to be president because that's what his friends have been telling him for the last 3 years.  

  6. I'm not voting for McCain, I'm voting against Obama.

  7. When they provide me with a candidate worth voting for, I will then vote! These clowns aren't my choice, they are the Oil Companies choice. Anyone who thinks either candidate will make a difference is an IDIOT!

  8. As a registered independent, I don't vote in primaries.

    I still find it horribly ironic that during the '00 primaries, team Bush/Rove attacked McCain as having suffered brain damage due to his time spent as a POW.

    And now McCain had to suck up to those same people in order to get the GOP bid, giving up his 'maverick' status.

    Sad, really.

  9. No



  10. yes, yes, yes

  11. No, no, yes.

    For different reasons each time.  And you?

    And please tell us what you have learned.

  12. 1. No

    2. No

    3. Maybe

  13. No didn't vote

    No I Voted for Mike Huckabee

    Yes I can not vote for someone who can't prove he is an American citizen.

  14. I have never voted for Mccain in my life and I never plan to thank you for the two points!

  15. 1. no I was a leftist back then

    2. no, Ron Paul

    3. No. Bob Barr

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