
Did you watch or attend Sir Edward Hillary's funeral?

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And what did you think? I thought it couldn't have been better




  1. HI Frantic,

    I was able to watch some of it, but not all of it.

    Mainly before the beginning - the church and people coming in and then Sir Ed's widow and the PM.  

    The Sherpas were just coming into the church when I had to leave...

    The newspaper had quite a nice write up and alot of quotes.  Overall it was very moving, and I heard mostly good remarks about the speakers.  

    People seemed to be quite taken with Hillary's grandson who spoke about stopping in to see his grandad after (or on the way to) school and having a Ryevita with him.

    The only criticism I heard was that the eulogy by his son Peter was a little bit more about Peter that Sir Ed -

    mentioning that he (Peter) climbed Mt Everest twice, almost seemed like he was rather downplaying his father's accomplishments or else trying to shift the attention to himself.  

    I could be wrong about that, I didn't hear it that is what I was told...  Poor kid it must have been tough growing up the son of a legend.

    I wish I could have stayed home and viewed it in its entirety.  Although I am American by birth, I am a Kiwi by choice, and I feel the loss, too.  

    I knew who Ed Hillary was even before I knew where NZ was... he was that big of a man, commanding international fame and respect!  Who could have picked a better representative of the Kiwi spirit?

    It wasn't until I moved here and went to a museum exhibit that I learned of Hillary's humanitarian work.  That just made him a greater man in my opinion.  

    It's one thing to achieve 'firsts' in the world, and to gain notoriety.  It's another thing to put aside the fame and to help those less fortunate.  Sir Ed was a great man, in this respect; he was a living example of compassion and caring.

    He overcame obstacles greatest than Mt. Everest and the South Pole, such as losing his first wife and daughter in a plane wreck.  But he always gave 110%, and he was definitely not a quitter.  You have to admire him for his tenacity.  

    New Zealand has lost a beloved son.  But the world is a much better place thanks to Sir Ed Hillary.  He will be missed, and there will never be anyone like him again.

  2. No i was at work but always looked at the updates on the nz hearld website.

  3. Yes I even took part in it. It was a moving and appropriate way to farewell a man who achieved much yet gave more to so many people setting an example for many generations.

  4. I did watch the funeral on TV and i do think they could have done it better. I think a funeral should be to celebrate ones life, i think they could have added some nice music and some clips from when he was alive - as well as what they did :)

  5. I only saw a wee bit on the news here - Obviously NZ would have shown the whole service ...

    Sad, but I guess we all get old.... we can't stop that.

    A great NZ legend!


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