
Did you watch the Cruft Show Documentary?

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Did any one see the documentary on Crufts. How the dogs are so interbred to make them "perfect". Instead of making them perfect, the breeders were making them ill. There were Spaniels, with the brain larger than the skulls and they were so much in pain it was really awful to see. Ridge-backs were bred for the ridge, where in actual fact the ridge was a form of spina-bifida. The list goes on. Are you for or against the cruft show and what is your reason. I am not having a go at Dog breeders, because they are not all the same.




  1. Yes it was awful, we need more people like Carol Fowler the lady in the documentary, how can people justify making dogs disabled and then say they are bettering the breed, the breeds need to be put back how they were 100+ years ago.  

  2. well against these snotty nosed people trying to control things they have no idea of.

    We need to hault interbreeding, lovingly mute or destroy the animals in pain and i`am creating a website to collect info and pics of all dogs including cross breeds with an aim of setting up a register for all dogs to see what breeds are out there.

    The site isnt online but if intrested email,

  3. I did watch it expecting my breed to be ripped into

    only a very small proportion of dogs end up with trouble like they were showing. if breeders are responsible and only breed from the best sound dogs not take a chance with a dog they are unsure of things would be a lot better

  4. do you believe what you see on TV?

  5. I am against it yes, i wasnt until i watched that documentary but i am appalled that people are going to such lengths to get the 'perfect' looking dog, i mean those german sheppards are obviously having trouble walking yet they dont care they are applading people for the more disfigured their dog is, also that one who had been a stud dog for something like 20 odd litters AFTER finding out the dog had that brain thing? that is appaling and if it was my decision that would be classed as animal cruelty and i would have that woman done. Its disgusting and cruel and the whole kennel club needs to be changed, so that dogs looks are less important and their health is. How about having to have health checks to register at the KC? or having to have health checks to take part in a competition? And why does KC allow interbred dogs to be registered? They say people would still do it they just wouldnt register, but you get less money for a non KC registered dog so if all it took was to have the dogs health checked then im sure most would do it as it would still work out worth their while.  

  6. Well said Kimberley.

    A reputable dog behaviourist who has had the privilege of literally walking with wolves told me this years ago.  She judged too and had presented the Kennel Club with facts re serious inbreeding (brother with sister for example) by one breeder she had met.  The Kennel club still registered them.

    The attitude of one of the breeders interviewed on the programme beggars belief.

    Money and pathetic fame - by deception and disregard.

  7. Amcoe45

    I can see why you are against interbreeding it must hurt when you look in the mirror,

  8. it was not about was called pedigree dogs exposed.beside the point some of it was not true.AT ALL

  9. It only confirmed my belief that a good mongrel has more intelligence fitness stamina and sometimes speed plus a better family pet far better temperment etc

    (same could be said for humans?) (:

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