
Did you watch the UFC 87? GSP vs. John Fitch?

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Tell me does GSP look like he is on steriods or what?

I just finished watching the GSP vs. Penn I (and GSP looks small in it)

Yeah, I know weighting lifting and all, but come on.. Sean ShreK and GSP share that similar roid look? What do you think?




  1. I Do not think GSP is doping at all.  Usually the Dopers try to finish there fights not have a man standing half knocked out in front of them and do nothing.

    I mean to e honest I guess if he was juicing I would not be surprised but UFC usually picks up on the Juicers quick and punishes them severly.  Having a Champ that doesn't finish fights punished for Steriods would be an easy open and shut case if he was on the Roids.  

  2. I don't think he is. The fighters are tested for it and GSP has never failed a test. GSP is a naturally lean guy but hes not overly muscular like Sean Sherk is. GSP walks around at 185lbs before he cuts to 170lbs. 5'10" 185lbs isn't huge at all. Sean Sherk on the other hand cuts from 175lbs to 155lbs and hes only 5'6" tall. GSP is 10 pounds heavier and 4 inches taller. I seriously doubt GSP takes roids.

  3. I agree with you completely.

  4. the biggest difference ive seen in GSP was between when he fought matt hughes the third time and then when he went up against serra. in his second match against serra st pierre looked like he could take on a bear.   he looked like he snapped and just trained constantly for it.  they do test the fighters for steroids, i honestly thought he might fail after the second serra fight but i guess he just trains constantly.  he didnt look as ripped to me in his fight with fitch as he did against serra 2 but he was still in sick shape.

  5. Hmmm, no.

    GSP cuts alot of weight, that's why he looks bigger than his opponents, he's also young, 27, so he could still develop.

    Sean Sherk looked like a monster when he was accused of doping, but then again for his fight against BJ Penn, he still looked pretty big.

  6. I dont think so, how they look isnt a great indicator. Tim Silvia got a steriod suspension back in the day and he never looked ripped, Stephan Bonnar, Hermes Franca, Josh Barrnet as well. The way a guy looks probably has more to do with his genetics and his wieght cut and more importantly how much water he got back into his system after he cut. Most of the guys who cut alot of wieght look really ripped, Matt Hughes, Rich Franklin, Joe Riggs have always looked insane.

    Genetics play a big part as well, even some guys who cut a fair amount of wieght dont look that ripped, Anderson Silva, Yushin Okami, Forrest Griffin, all cut a ton of wieght and dont look that ripped. Some guys even look out of shape even though they are obviously in good shape, Jason Lambert for example, or Chuck Liddell's bear belly, or Jeremy Horn all look out of shape when they all obvisouly train alot.

  7. no i was star gazing , did u , who won?

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