
Did you write an unusual thesis or dissertation?

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My question is for graduates of any college degree program. By unusual I mean a musical composition or play or literary translation or experiment. Perhaps you discovered a subject that has never before been researched.




  1. I did three that were a little unusual although they were not at the level of thesis or dissertation: one was about the history of the idea of success in America, one was the history of American musical theatre, and one was the seven most important dates in educational history.  In each, I was advancing my own ideas and not just quoting others or tearing apart and then reassembling some unfortunate poem.  The dates in educational history was fun because I made the whole thing up and got the same grade as those who went and researched real dates.  My dates were like "Socrates leaves lecture notes at home and resorts to a day of asking questions -- 'Socratic Method' is born" or "Child sues parents for spanking and wins; teachers afraid to touch students ever since" or "In the future --I am appointed Secretary of Education; football teams hold bake sales for new uniforms while theatres are built"

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