
Did your child follow the formula company rule of 2 ozs for every pound?

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Our 14 lbs, 3-month old only averages 24 ozs a day as opposed to the 28 the can says she should have. She appears happy and is gaining weight. Thoughts?




  1. So what if a baby who is say 6-7 months is chubby and say weighs 20 lbs, I would not try to force my baby to eat 40 oz in a day...Thats insane.

  2. Just feed on demand. Some babies formula intake is different then others. If she's happy, well fed and gaining weight you have nothing to worry about.

  3. No! my daughter always ate less than the average. The main thing is that your baby is growing consistently and is happy with what she is getting. Those are averages and some babies eat less, some eat more. Just like adults do!

  4. all babies are different. its all about feeding on demand. also, you'll know if your baby is satisfied with her formula because she'll be content!!

  5. My son eats less then recommended amount but he continues to gain weight and would even be considered "chubby".

  6. I didn't even know there was such a rule ?  I always fed my baby as much as she would eat. When she had enough she'd always spit the bottle out.  

  7. As long as your baby is fed, happy, healthy and growing, that's all that matters...  

  8. Our 12 lbs, 2-month old averages 36 oz a day!  He is a little porker, but the doc says it's ok and he's not fat, just big.  However we do make sure to keep the feedings around 4 oz so he doesn't get reflux from overeating.

    If the baby is healthy and the doc is ok with the food intake, it's probably fine.  Breastfed babies don't typically eat measured amounts of food and that doesn't seem to cause a problem.  

  9. my baby is only 6.5 lbs and 12 days old, but she drinks anywhere from 2-8 oz depending on her mood o.O;;

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