
Did your children need braces for their feet or legs? How do you know if they are needed?

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I mean, what tipped you off that they needed them? We haven't gone to the dr. in a while since we have moved and i still need to find one in this area so, I am just wondering. My son is 14 months and just learning to walk and I can tell his right leg goes outward a bit along with his foot and it sometimes trips him up. How do you know if braces are needed?




  1. My nephew had surgery a couple months ago on the muscles in his heels. He was walking on his toes and it hurt to stand on his heels at all. They said it was a form of cerebral palsy (minor) and very fixable. Now he has to wear braces during the day for 4 months and at night for a year. I'm not sure if your child walks correctly on the entire foot, but if not, this could be your answer. Otherwise, I hope your son is only going through a little toddler phase.

  2. My son was born with Positional Talipies, it was picked up on my 18 week ultrasound, it means that his feet were twisted.  He was in plaster for his first 6 months, and had to have an operation to lengthen the tendons in his foot when he was 2, and was in plaster for another 12 weeks.  You need to talk to a physio or doctor and then if needed they will refer you to an orthopaedic specialist.  If it isn't very bad then he may just need stretching and maybe a splint when he is sleeping.  I don't think that they use braces here in Australia that much anymore as there are so many different ways of fixing the problem. If he is tripping over then you should get it seen to asap as the younger they are the easier it is to fix the problem as they are still growing.  Kids are tough and even though he went through this he was still walking at 15 months and even walked on his plaster after is operation (he wasn't meant too, but you try to stop a 2 year old from walking for 12 weeks) Oh and buy the way my son is nearly 4 now and you would never know that he had anything wrong with his feet he has no trouble at all with walking, running or anything to do with balance.

  3. Still to young to know for sure really as they are still developing but he should straighten up around 2-3 years old.  A physical therapist though is a great place to start in regards to finding out if he needs braces.  I know my son walked strange too though for a long time but at 2 years old got better.  He has flat feet that requires special inserts but other than that his legs straightened out.  

  4. have him evaluated by early intervention in your area. It is free and so is the therapy if it is needed. If he needs braces or other equiptment there may be money available for it from early intervention

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