
Did your father or grandfather keep up with your periods?

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Tell me if what you think of this...Did you let your daddy know when your period was due or if it was late?

I think that this does not sound right at all but please read the answers to my previous question about this on how people answered it:





  1. it may be odd, but not enough proof to accuse someone of something more severe

  2. My dad has four daughters and never kept track of a period for any one of us. Now he had no problem going to the store and buying tampons and pads, and that's not to say that he had any sort of disregard for our well being, it's just that keeping track is weird.

    I would guess not knowing any other circumstances that either they've had trouble with the girl in the past i.e. pregnancy scares or pregnancies, or there is something not right going on.

    Clearly, it doesn't sit right with you. Have you talked to your mother about this? Your brother? I would be looking into it a bit further as well I'm sure.

    I sure hope that it's truly nothing, however, it's always been my experience that you get those "off" feelings for a reason - because something is not quite right.  

  3. eww! that would be kinda sick telling them unless they r g*y Ha lmfao

  4. He is raising the girl, its kinda hard to hide a used pad/tampon in the garbage every 5 freakin seconds.  So he's going to get the time line down.  Why are you reading so much into this? Just leave it be.

  5. it's a little weird. I think it would be hard for him not to know since he can probably see the tampons and pads in the trash but it's weird that he is talking about it like that. I mean have some modesty and respect. Why in the world would he be talking about it in front of her 13 yo boyfriend and his sister. That is weird. I know my Mom asked me about my period a few times when I was younger but never in front of my boyfriend or out in public.

  6. ok well i am a 13 year old girl and i live with my dad JUST my dad  because my parents seperated when i was almost 10 and now we do not get along at all because she doesn't understand that i am growing up . she doesn't even know that i shave... and she always yells. i am the oldest of 3 girls. my sisters are 9 and 6 and they still go to her house. but i have NOT gotten my period yet...thank god haaha but when i do i will leet my dad know. i already thought i had it once but i didn't and my dad bought me everything that i needed. and if the girl lives with her grandfather then why not let him no.? he is the guardian.  and in this case he has a right to no.

    i really hope that i helped=]

    <33 erica       a typical 13 year old girl

  7. well, he could know when she gets it for a number of reasons,  seeing the ishhh in the trash can,  having to buy her tampons and what not, and he's probably overprotective of her cuz she doesn't have her parents around. or maybe the grandmother is informing him of all this.

    also, i know that my b/f's grandmother neevr likes riding in the front seat. i dont know what the difference is. but maybe this girl's grandmother doesnt like the front.

    anyway, so i'm just trying to make sense of the situation. but you know these people, so if u think they are weird..then they might be. also, if they are already worried about pregnancy at that age..then u should try and get ur bro out of there. esp b/c of the incest  lol

  8. i dont think is anybody business to know when the period will come cause it should be private unless she wants to talk about it with someone close to her or her mom,but i think thats sick aswell..

  9. My neighbors had 4 girls. When they would start their periods Mom would write on the large family calendar their initials and having 5 "women" in the house they were always needing supplies so for this family tracking everyone was normal. The grocery list hung right beside the calendar. I know 2 of their 4 girls moved out at 18 and were pregnant within 3 months... one aborted and one now has an illegitimate child and is on SSI and struggling.  I think if they had both been living at home they would not have been as careless with their sexual irresponsibilities and it would have been because it was on the family calendar. When the oldest went on the pill at 19 all the girls would ask her if she had taken her pill and mom would call if she was not at home at the assigned time to take it. It was taken everyday at the same time and yes, this was the one that had the miscarriage. The younger 3 girls where told she had a miscarriage. So I think it just depends on how open the family is with communication. If you think she's being abused talk to your brother or the girl herself. I don't think that is the case but perhaps she's "been in trouble" or had a pregnancy scare previously and Grandpa just doesn't want another baby having a baby that he would have to raise.  What other things are going on that you find odd?  

  10. My Foster Dad was the first person to know I had my period. I was closer to him than my Foster Mum. He also would have known if I was late too, because he was the one who bought tampons for me. My Dad knew just about everything about my life.

    It isn't hard to figure out when you period is going to come. Mine tell tale sign is I eat like a pig the day before. And most woman have a 28 day cycle.

    I told my Dad when I was late once. I didn't know why it hadn't come yet (I wasn't sexually active or anything like that). He explained things to me.

    Some woman are close to their fathers, without it being a dirty thing. I was very close to my Dad. I wasn't abused by him in any way.

    The car thing could be explained by car sickness. I can't ride in the back seat of cars without vomiting. But I'd never kick Mum out of the front seat.

    But if you think there is something going on, report it. I can't make a clear decision about it as I don't know them, but I can say if it didn't seem right to me, I would report it. By the sounds of it, you have concerns, and it isn't sitting well with you.  

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