
Did your feet get bigger in pregnancy? If so, when?

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Mine don't look swollen but these shoes that I bought a couple months ago no longer fit! (I'm 29 weeks now).




  1. Ugh YES! I am 29 weeks now to and some of my cute little closed in heels won't even fit right now, I hate it! This baby is sooo worth it but geez I miss my little petite feet :( oh and they've been swollen since about 27 weeks now but I tend to be on my feet an awful lot, I have a desk job but I tend to not sit there all day I take walks around the building and such...I'm sure that doesn't help the situation :p

  2. My feet didn't get bigger permanently but they would always seem to get bigger at the end of the day.  I would wear shoes to work and slip them off under my desk and by the end of the day they didn't fit anymore.  They didn't look or feel swollen but I guess they were because the shoes always fit again in the morning.

  3. I did put a little weight on the feet in the later months you couldn't notice by looking at them but my shoes were tighter.

    I never imagined that I would also gain weight on the feet as well it felt strange.

  4. Me feet  swelled in my last trimester.  They eventually went down.  Good Luck!

  5. my feet were the same, they wernt swollen they just wouldnt fit into some of my shoes, their still the same now an my lil one is 2 now.

  6. Mine never got swollen....I wore flip flops the entire time I was pregnant...then at aroun 34 weeks I tried to put on my tennis shoes and the didn't fit!!! I wear a size 10 or 10 1/2 normally (huge!) so you can imagine my horror when finding out my clown feet were really extra large clown feet! But after having our son they went back to normal almost immediately....I say stick with flip flops that way you don't have to buy a new pair of shoes you won't wear very long. Best of luck!

  7. Right around 24 weeks, my feet started swelling.  To the point where I had to wear flip flops that adjusted because I couldn't find anything else that fit my poor feet.  I even kept them propped up as much as I could (I was working), but they still kept swelling.  They were that swollen until my son was around 4 weeks old.  Then they started going down.  They are much better now... (He's 7.5 months old!)

    Congrats on your pregnancy!

  8. during the end of your pg they can get bigger. they might be swollen and you just don't realize it

  9. My feet were swollen during the last trimester, but they didn't get permanently bigger.  That doesn't always happen.

  10. I'm 13 but when my mom was pregnant with my little sister her feets we're  swollen from the last month of pregnancy

  11. Mine got bigger at about 6 months, but I also work retail and am on my feet between 9 and 11 hours every day during the holidays (not including the time spent on my feet outside of work).

    I went up a full size.

    My feet went almost back to their old size after I had the baby, but they are still a tiny bit bigger.  I feel a little squeeze in some of my dress shoes :-)

  12. My feet swelled up something aweful right after I had my son.  They were so swollen they were painful.  I believe it is variable exactly when they will swell, some have it before and some experience it after.  The swelling went down after a couple of weeks, use ice on them to relieve the swelling.

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