
Did your husband annoy you during pregnancy? If so, how did you deal with it?

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I love my husband so much (for the most part :-) but it just seems during this pregnancy (our first) he just annoys the heck out of me! I am 2 months and have pretty bad morning sickness. He has a reason everytime I have it... it's what I ate.. I ate too much... I ate too little... and etc. If I'm emotional on a particuar day, he says I am not far along enough to be emotional and that I'm "faking". Then when I say I want to soley breastfeed without using bottles since I will be at home the first 6 months, he get's an attitude and says I'm taking away feeding his child from him! Is this common for guys to go through this when their wife is pregnant the first time? Mind you there are no kids in his family nor does he know many expecting mothers. He just thinks he knows everything! It's almost as if he wishes he was caring the baby! What can I do to make this a more bonding experience for both of us and for me to be less stressed while being pregnant for me and baby????




  1. Cry...Tell him how you feel when he asks while you'r ecrying.  My boyfriend upset me a few times and I just sarted crying.  I didn't make myself it just came out.  Whatever I said was bothering me he stopped doing.

  2. i would just try involve him a bit more and my fiancee is getting on my nerves i toold he to go back to iraq for a month and didn't mean it he might have to go back july and if he is there again for 8 months like last time he would miss her being born wait until you start getting bigger and then he can feel the baby move men do tend to get there noses pushed out a bit and while your feeling sick it just gets you mad once you have the scan and start going shopping for things i'm sure he will be fine and you will be to good luck.

  3. tell him you'll compromise and let him do all the nappy changes.especially the night ones breast fed babies do  need lots of changing .thats a great time for him to bond with the baby he'll sure have plenty of them (bonding moments)

    he probably is feeling a bit left out and dare i say jealous but he needs to support you it is horrible feeling sick and having to carry on working but it will pass

    try not telling him any of your aches and pains for a day or two until he notices and then tell him you won't bother him with your complaints as its not a competition and unless he respects you when you tell him how you are feeling he will miss out on all the lovely times to come like feeling the baby move and trying to make out the shape of its foot when it stretches

    very best wishes to you and yours

  4. No, this is not common or there would be a lot more cases of husband abuse complete with black eyes.

    You need to sit him down and take a hand against this behavior now.  Some people (my sister included) just are know-it-alls or have a need to always explain, fix, correct people instead of providing comfort or support.  Tell him what are supportive comments vs. what annoys you.

  5. I am also pregnant for the first time, I have 8 weeks and I feel nauseaus too.  My husband also has annoyed me and made me cried in my first month, but then I realized that it was mostly that I was so emotional and sometimes I was feeling like crying even without a reason.  But he quickly realized that pregnancy gets you more emotional and now he is so sweet and even surprises me how much he knows about my syntoms.  Make him read the book "What to expect when expecting", my husband loves reading it, and makes him more understandable.

  6. My hubbie is pretty darn annoying too but keep inmind that you are super emotional and I know how it feels to be super naseaus everything annoys the c**p out of you. Be happy he is so active in your pregnancy and just learn how to ignore certain comments because you will get more annoyed as your pregnancy goes on.

  7. It sounds like you need to attend a parenting class together. It also sounds like he just plain feels left out. Maybe you should take him shopping for the baby and get him more involved in decisions. The more men feel like they're a part of pregnancy the better they feel.

  8. Attach a Six pound weight to his belly and see how he feels. >:D

    Lol, okay, seriousness is back.

    He doesn't seem very nice. A good husband would be doing whatever he can to help you make these nine months more comfortable. If he's like this now, then how will you know what he'll be like when the baby's here?? He might say, "Labor's not THAT painful!" and won't hold you hand!

    But what do I know? I'm just 14 XD

    My dad was always drinking and golfing and not helping my mom with a new born (me) and a eighteen month old (my sis)! Talk to him and tell him off. Show him that you're NOT exaggerating and that you're NOT faking anything. Maybe you two should take one of those parenting classes. Just for him. >:D

    Congratulations, by the way =]

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