
Did your nipples change back to their original color?

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before i was pregnant my nipples were very light pink but since being pregnant they have turned dark brown. I plan on breastfeeding. will my nipples return to their original color after i stop breastfeeding? cuz they just look really gross to me and i hope they dont stay this way..




  1. Mine stayed dark. You get used to it. I don't remember what I looked like with pink nipples anymore, lol. They aren't as dark as when I was pregnant, but they are still dark. It's been 7 years since mine turned. Sorry.

  2. they might lighten slightly after but will not go back to the way they were. And of course then there is the sagging...............

  3. i think mines went back to pink...but not as pink as they were. i know i was depressed..... but i breastfed for 6 months i dont know if that has anything to do with it. BUT also after i was done breastfeeding i ended up with smaller b***s then before i was preg.  i was 34B and after nursing our 6 month old, i was a 32B....she sucked the milk out of me along with any fullness i had lol but shes worth it!

  4. It's permanent.


  5. mine were light too and got REALLy dark.. im 8weeks BF my son and now most of the areola part is bleach white and my nipples are back to norma color te part that my son mought doent suck on is still DARK brown. but the part he does loos like i bleached it :O)

    drs say theres nothing wrong but it loks strange LOL

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