
Did your parents bring you up to respect your elders?

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have you paid your dues to your elders?




  1. Yes to respect the fact that they are older, but to not forget to challenge respectfully if they are not respectful to me, or, indeed misguided in their own viewpoints and attitudes.

    Sagacity and age are not necessarily partners!

    However, we must always try and learn from what's gone on before!

  2. Showing respect will open doors for you, and by showing respect to others you will earn theirs at the same time

  3. My parents were very strict and we were taught to respect other people [ not just elders], to be polite and well behaved. It was a case of "little children were to be seen and not heard"  

    I was not so strict with my own children, but taught them all my parents taught me regarding etiquette.

    Pity a few more folk don't teach their children this nowadays

  4. Yes

  5. I don't remember ever being actually TOLD to respect anyone, I was taught good manners, this to me is what respect is all about. Being polite, kind and considerate towards everyone, unless they proved themselves unworthy, was what was expected, so it became second nature to me, I like to think I still adhere to this.

    Have I paid my dues to my elders? I work with the elderly and give it 100% so I believe I have.

  6. absolutely and I still do even though I am now an elder.

  7. I have been brought up to respect my elders, however it's important to state that they should also respect you. Western culture is one of the few in which it is becoming acceptable to disrespect elders because it is 'cool'. In eastern societies, this is less so.

    It is absolutely fine, and in my opinion necessary, to form your own opinion independent from that of your parents or grandparents. That's how societies progress (For example, the 1960's civil rights movement and the renaissance.) But this is in no way an excuse to disrespect them.

  8. Yeah, but I didn't really listen to them. I only respect my elders if there respectable. I didn't think my parents deserved respect all the time so I didn't give it to them all the time!

  9. Absolutely!  And, we raised our kids to respect us.  Our kids raised our grandkids to respect their elders, also.

    I used to tell my kids that they could disagree with us, and we could have a discussion and we would consider their position, but they must show us respect.  We were the parents, they were the kids, and our decisions were final.

    No problem!

  10. no they didn't again I was someone who want given values i brought myself up - But I don't give respect to someone just because of their age.I am old myself now and still expect to earn respect - I hate the idea of being a moaner and blamer and being allowed to get away with it.

    No age is never important its what you do that counts.Youre never too old to learn greater humanity.

  11. Yes,your elders can give you advice n stuff but everybody who shows you respect deserves respect.

  12. not just respect the elders.but to respect.those were the days

  13. I do my best to show not only my elders but anyone who is over me in position even if it is only a matter of days age difference. Not only was I raised with it  but come to think about it, it makes sense!

  14. Yes, I was brought up to respect my elders unless those elders were bad crooks or something. These are the people that brought us to where we are.  I don't know what you mean by paid my dues, though.

  15. i was brought up to give respect where it was due not just to my elders

  16. parents brought me up to respect all when respect is due and not get trampled over by people who thought they were one's perfect and they shouldn't treat anyone any different from the way they want to be treated..will bring up my kids the same way.   They'll not be cheeky to anyone as i wasn't allowed to be, but they'll not get walked over or bullied"

  17. i have most definitely been brought up to be respectful to anyone and everyone. not living with my parents since i was 16 and i have still been very respectful and would never disrespect another person. it just isnt right.

  18. They definitely did bring me up to respect my elders and I plan to bring my kids up the same way!  I think it's very important!

  19. Yes.

  20. They brought me up like that, but i dont live like that. anymore.

    respect is earned. no matter how old you are.. if you dont respect me, i dont respect you. but i dont hesitate to give respect either. but if you dont return it, then i dont exacly keep giving you respect.

  21. 1. I basically raised myself.

    2. I respect everyone who earns respect. There is not 'carte blanche' respect in my world.

    How does one pay dues?

  22. Absolutely. They also taught us that it is all about your approach when speaking to someone older or younger than you whether you agree or disagree.

  23. yes, my parents did bring me up to respect my elders. I live in the Philippines where respect to elders is really being valued. we use the words "po" and "opo" when talking to someone older than us. as they say, "when you learn to respect your elders, you will gain the same respect that you deserve". Without putting emphasis on the importance of respect or without even practicing/encouraging others to do so, the future generation will be full of rude  and inconsiderate people who will only think of themselves.

  24. No, they never really raised me they were too busy doing other things. Now I dont even respect them.

  25. At all costs, yes. Not my parents so much as the church in our small town - we were taught that when some old perv who happens to be an elder of the church takes you and molests you, you are to keep your mouth shut about it else you be branded a "brat" and "trouble-maker". My parents didn't try to instill that message directly, but they never once contradicted such a wretched status quo.

    I've since learned to respect people in general, and never because they are in this or that "category". I'll give respect to anyone I happen to meet and will continue doing so until they show themselves undeserving of such respect - and that I'd do even if they're very, very old. Simply being old doesn't absolve you of being a miserable excuse for a human being.

  26. Old people can be miserable sods.

    But we should respect em i guess

  27. Oh yes - and to have good manners.

  28. As a child I was expected to address adults as Mr. or Mrs. Smith, Uncle Bob or Aunt Jill etc and this was the norm.It never occurred to call an adult by their first name .I was raised in a household where respect was expected towards my elders ,in and out of the home.I never entertained the idea of sassing an adult because I knew I also had accountability for my words and actions. My children were also raise to respect their elders. I think that children need rules of conduct and expectations to help them become successful adults. I guess at the end of the day ,we were taught to respect ourself as well.If you don't care what you do yourself  then your won't worry much about respect for others

  29. unlike most lucky people with normal families they never taught me any values... but i know myself to respect elders BUT some people are totally ageist and can treat you like dirt...i dont tolerate that :)

  30. Yes indeed.if i was ever impolite to any elderly person my mother would clip me across my ear. if I didn't stand up to give an older person my seat on a full bus, she would give me a hiding later. When we had visitors for Sunday tea. The visitors and my parents would eat first and we kids would eat when they finished. When I started work, I always had to bring home my wages and give it to my mother and she would decide how much of my wages I could keep. This I did until I was 18 years old.Whenever we had a bad winter, the first thing we had to do was ask the elderly people if they wanted shopping done and clear any snow from their path. This was how we were brought up and I never regretted one minute of it. Manners Maketh man, how true.

  31. Yes, mine did - but now days respect is a word that is fading

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