
Did your parents ever give you the talk?

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Because I'm 14 and I really dont want my dad to be giving me the talk. Do most parents talk to ther kids about s*x? Cause I would be really uncomfortable if my dad would try to explain that to me.




  1. My parents never gave me the talk, but then I was raised in a Christian home where the issue was treated as though people had no reproductive organs.

    I also learn about it in school and from friends mostly. By grade 7 when s*x-ed really began, I already knew about it. My parents lucked out and never had to explain it.

    I don't think most parents talk about it anymore unless their kid approaches them. By 14 they're likely going to assume you know how it works.

  2. My parents never did. I wish they would have, or at least my mom. I listened to friends and they were wrong most of the time as I found out later. Do you have a mom or another female relative you would feel comfortable with. I have a 12 year old daughter and we had a talk. She wasn't all too comfortable but I am certain she is glad to be able to ask me questions and that she knows the facts.

  3. I haven't got the talk yet and I am 15 my dad says he will sit down one day and give it to me., but I know how it works from p**n

  4. My mom started talking to me when i was young....only about things that she thought that i could understand and as i got older she widened the things that she talked about, i am 15 and she seems to talk more and more about it.........of course she found me in an awkward position with my boyfriend......dont let that happen because the talks will be a LOT more frequent, or at least they were in my case!!!

  5. no i learned everything at school

  6. Yes, when I was 10.  But, by that time, my best friend's older brothers filled us in on what s*x was!!  (we were like "eeewwwww!")  

    Dads usually don't like to talk to their daughters about it because they don't want their daughters to ever have s*x!!

  7. Yes, my parents did and it helped me not to get in situations that can change my life for the worse (like STDs) and ruin my goals, and I am only 12.

  8. My parents never gave me the talk, I learned it from school, yeah, school.

  9. Thand goodness mine didnt, i learned it from school - although that wasnt much better either lol

  10. i got "the talk" when i wasw 13 on the car rid home from the airport

    it wwas kinda akward

    but its over fast

  11. Actually, I don't remember my dad ever giving me the talk.

    I remember once he asked me if I was using protection, and I told him of course, because I'm not an idiot. He nodded and that was the end of it. I don't think parents have been giving their kids the talk for quite a few generations.

  12. why be uncomfortable? be happy that you have parents who give a d**n enough about you to have that adult talk with you. to inform you of the consequences of s*x. look at ur peers in the world...14 and pregnant. Do u read the same questions on YA as i do about young, dumb and disillusioned 14,15 and up yr old girls who are pregnant and asking dumb ?s that if they would have given themselves more time to learn, would know the answers to! I had my son at 20 n i still felt too young. 6yrs later, ive adapted to single motherhood and as much as I love my son, I wish I would have Got the "talk", about s*x, men, life...i wish I knew, i wouldve waited for s*x altogether but i was curious and my 1st time is a memory I wish I could erase. If ur dad doesnt give u the talk, go to ur dad and make him give u the talk! u young girls today r being seduced by men much older n sneakier with slick tongues and hard d!c*s...dont go into the world oblivious to any issues..ask ?s, seek info, know your world n ur generation.  

  13. I'm 35, and my parents still haven't given me The Talk.  I learned what I needed to know from 'family' medical reference books.

  14. No, I learned it on the street when I was about 12--my parents were too busy macking with other people at the time.

  15. Yeah. I got the talk from my mom whenever I was eight or nine. Rather uncomfortable for a little kid. I'm sure your parents assume you've figured it out by now. Don't worry ;)

  16. my mom gave me the talk when i was in the second or third grade, cause a older boy he was in the 6th grade chased me and told me he was going to **** me, i didn't know what he meant but i figured it was bad so i ran home from school and told her what he said, she was pissed & went to my school raising cane to the principal, anyways that day she told me what the word meant but to never say it.  I was devastated.  The boy was suspended, after that i was scared cause he would actually come into the girls bathroom and terrify us.  

  17. I dont think parents really give talks anymore kids figure stuff out in different ways

  18. psh, yeah right.

    no, they tried to tell me after I already knew.

    & I learned the rest from school.

  19. Wow, I don't think that your dad is going to have the talk with you.  You are already 14.  My mom or dad ever had the talk with me but when they found out that I had s*x at 15 they wanted to know where I learned about it.  I guess they didn't read the permission slip they signed so that I could learn it in 5th grade.

  20. Yeah, but it's not that bad. Just think that most kids go through it, so you aren't the only one. It was a little akward, but you will forget about it later. Trust me.

  21. I live with my grandparents, and yes, they gave me "The Talk," but alas it was not a very thorough one.  They were more interested in what they wanted for me, not what I wanted for me and told me nothing about safer s*x and such.  They had the attitude that if you didn't know about it, you wouldn't ask, and you wouldn't do anything about it.

    I think that it is very important for parents to talk to their children about s*x.  It really helps you build a stronger relationship.  I wish my grandparents gave me a conprehensive, supportive lecture like that.

    If you aren't feeling comfortable with talking to your father about s*x and you have free rein of the Internet, I highly recommend  It is the most comprehensive and overall wonderful website that I know of that pertains to that subject.  The staff members on the forums are very nice about answering your questions, too!

  22. mother did when I was 13..yeaah most do.. consider yourself lucky that you didnt..dont worry you will have s*x'll learn moree than enough!!! dontt bring it up if he doesnt..dads will be just as uncomfterable as you are!

  23. I didn't hear about it from my parents, I learned about it in school.

  24. im 14 too and my dad never gave me the talk nor did my mom they just bring it up sometimes. alot of my friends never got a talk i gess parents dont do it as much anymore

  25. i think the talk is like an urban legend now (:

    i barely know anyone who did,

    but i think if you start to get serious with a boyfriend and even if your not really, anything looks serious to you parents, then he might, but if you feel it coming, be like dad! i know dont worry i wont so dont even get started, and trust me, the subject will never come up again (:

  26. pshhh my dad made hand gestures and everyythingg lol i got the full out s*x talk! and my mom tried lol she said my bodys a castle and i cant let any one in hahaha just try not 2 laugh when they do its really akward but im sure theyll try

  27. Well my parents didn't because i learned on my own.

  28. I got the talk...and it was awkward...but hopefully he will keep it short...14 seems like a while to wait so maybe he assumes you learned about the birds and the bees in school.  

  29. mine tried, i kinda laughed the entire time, b/c it consisted of "You will get diseases and die" but you shouldn't worry, if all else fails tell him you already learned about it from school, and if he wants to avoid an awkward silence, a long one at that, to just forget about it  

  30. My parents never gave me the talk.

    But then again, my parents divorced when I was six.

    My mom walked out on us, so I figured it all out on my own.

    Oh, and of course, I had school to help out with this subject as well.

  31. No my parents never did. Although my dad offered to buy me p**n magazines. I said yes, because I was tired of wacking off to pictures I printed from my computer when I wasn't on the computer. But he forgot.

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